Learn about the effects of gum on the body

A university in England experimented with some people and found that by chewing the gum the brain mechanisms responsible for memorization are activated and the heartbeat is increased. The brain in turn works better because of the increased circulation of blood and oxygen.

For some, chewing gum helps to lose calories, saliva flow increases, and the production of caries-causing acids decreases. But, on the other hand, chewing gum should not be done as the first meal of the day, as the production of juice gastric without food favors the process of gastritis and ulcers, in addition to overloading the jaw causing bruxism and problems in the dentition.

In ancient Greece people chewed tree resin to do oral hygiene, after many substances used for chewing, Thomas Adams had the idea of ​​chewing the rubber he used and thus came the first gum.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

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