Fruits to eat in the summer and stay hydrated on hot days

Summer in Brazil is wonderful and colorful, however, we all know how intense the heat can be in our tropical country. Therefore, experts point out that hydrating will be essential to keep your health up to date during the hottest season of the year. Therefore, there are excellent recommendations for fruits to eat in the summer that will help with hydration.

5 fruits to eat in summer

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Fruits are great to eat in summer, as they are great water reserves and have an unmistakable flavor. In this way, we can regulate our body temperature and avoid dehydration while eating a very healthy snack. Therefore, the best fruits for this season will be those with more water, such as those listed below:


In addition to being delicious, the melon will be great for consumption during the summer, since it has 90% of its water composition. In addition, he has diuretic function and is a natural laxative. For all these reasons, it cannot be missing from your summer.


Another great option is the mango, which is a typically tropical fruit and very present in Brazil. However, the best part is that the mango has an excellent reserve of vitamins, such as vitamins A, C and E. Including, the presence of vitamin A will help you get the tan of your dreams.


When it comes to hydration, acerola certainly stands out. That's because the fruit has 90% water. However, it is also a great option because it contains a combo of vitamins and nutrients, especially vitamins Aand C, and for potassium, phosphorus and manganese.


Watermelon is perhaps the best option to consume in the summer, as 92% of its composition is water. In addition, the fruit is essential to improve immunity and prevent seasonal diseases.


Finally, we have a fruit that is already a success in the season, which is the pineapple! After all, it is great for making refreshing juices and drinks and has a large water reserve. In addition, the fruit is rich in fiber, which will help in the digestion of food.

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