Elon Musk says he will change his routine and now sleep at least 6 hours

Busy most of the time, billionaires must be mindful of their health. For the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, it could not be different. His days of sleeping too little and working too much were having the opposite effect, he said.

See too: Women need more sleep than men, study finds

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He used to stay up all night! However, in an interview with CNBC last Tuesday (16/05) he says he is making an effort to sleep at least six hours a night.

Elon Musk reports that too little sleep was affecting his brain

In the given interview, he confessed that “The level of brain pain is bad if I sleep less than six hours.” 

In addition, he also commented that his habit of sleeping little, no matter how much time he stayed awake, in the end he always did less. For someone as active with projects as Musk, it's certainly a big problem.

For adults, the ideal is to sleep at least seven hours a night. Not sleeping at the stipulated time as recommended is linked with a greater probability of developing heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, etc.

It is worth highlighting other common signs, such as greater irritation, inattention, slow thinking, memory loss, changes in mood, tiredness and drowsiness. That is, take good care of your sleep so as not to be affected by the consequences of bad nights!

How do other billionaires handle their sleep?

In a post on his blog in the year 2019, bill Gates revealed details about his relationship with sleep. Now, he sleeps at least seven hours. When he was closer to work, he had a lifestyle that was totally influenced by work. (workaholic) where he had no time for his social life or space to travel outside of his work schedule business.

Jeff Bezos told Thrive Global in 2016 that eight hours of sleep goes a long way in making him feel energized and excited.

It is clear that there are several factors that cause someone not to get the expected sleep. However, when the habit is repeated several times and negatively impacts your life, it's time to seek help. If this is your case: consult a professional.

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