Launched in 2017, the air fryer is an electric oven that has become very popular in recent years. In 2021, the amount raised from sales of the product exceeded US$ 1 billion. The appliance is quite successful thanks to the practicality and quality offered, in addition to the proposal to bake foods without using oil.
The fryer is capable of preparing several things reducing the amount of calories by up to 70% of what if it would be fried and also reduces the amount of acrylamide (carcinogenic substance) thrown into the foods.
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The question is, can you cook multiple foods in it?
Fry multiple foods in the air fryer
The main advantage of the fryer is to replace food preparations that need excess oil to reach the point. In addition, we have the practicality, because you basically put your cut food in the container and turn on the air fryer at the appropriate temperature. The device will do the rest once a time is set.
Although amazing, it's not something that goes well in the air fryer. Sauces and products that release a lot of fat (like bacon) can dirty or ruin your device, so be careful with that.
But is it possible to mix food in the Airfryer?
If it's small amounts, for you and someone else, throwing meat, veggies and all in, it probably won't work. It won't be a good idea to try. The good news is that some things can be baked together in the basket.
Baking more than one food is the dream of anyone who wants to spend less energy and have fewer dishes to wash. Some air fryer models feature a separator in the food basket, allowing you to fry more than one thing at a time without food coming into contact. If you don't have one like that, just combine things that take a similar prep time, like potatoes fries and potato chips.
Another way to get food together in the fryer is by using a grid, as this will make it possible to separate the items and still cook them with a larger contact area.
If you don't have the equipment, at least try not to overfill your basket, as this will cause the food to cook differently and impair the flow of heat. For example: when roasting chicken breasts, try not to stack them so as not to affect the cooking time.
If they don't fit all at once, you'll have to bake them separately.