Are NASA Scientists Announcing an "Internet Apocalypse"? know

Recently, a wave of rumors on social networks claimed that scientists from NASA had issued warnings about an imminent “internet apocalypse” that would occur in the next decade.

But in fact, these news are nothing more than unfounded speculation that generated a huge uproar among users of social networks. Understand the subject better!

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The Internet Apocalypse

This “internet apocalypse” story emerged two years ago, when the British newspaper Mirror published an article about a possible internet disruption caused by the Sun.

The trigger for the recent wave of alarmism was a report that mentioned a study conducted by Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, a researcher from the University of California, which warned of the vulnerability of undersea fiber optic cables in the face of a superstorm solar.

According to the scientist, in the event of an extreme event of solar coronal mass ejection directed towards the Earth, international internet cables could be affected, interrupting the supply of connection. However, it is important to point out that this type of event is rare and has not yet occurred in the digital age.

Experts recognize that a strong solar storm could cause widespread disruptions in Internet. The Sun has cycles of solar activity and is currently in Solar Cycle 25.

Eruptions on the solar surface, accompanied by coronal mass ejections, can result in geomagnetic storms that affect the Earth's atmosphere.

In the past, events such as the “Carrington Event” in 1859 and a solar storm in 1989 caused disruptions to telegraph lines and the power grid in Quebec, Canada.

It is worth noting that the mission of the Parker Solar Probe space probe, developed by NASA, is not intended to make predictions of extreme events.

The spacecraft has been studying the Sun's behavior to better understand space weather effects such as the safety of astronauts and the operation of satellites.

The probe has revealed important information about the Sun, including the origin of the solar wind and the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection.

just rumors

NASA scientists are committed to collecting data and studying space weather to prevent catastrophic scenarios.

That way, there is no reason to panic about a possible internet blackout. For now, the matter should not be of concern to the general population.

Therefore, we can continue with our lives peacefully, as an internet blackout is not an imminent event that deserves our attention and concern at the moment.

It is important to seek reliable information and avoid spreading unfounded rumors that generate fear and unnecessary panic on social media.

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