Table Tennis or Ping-Pong?

Table tennis emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century in England, a period in which this sport had several names. Upon hearing the noise of balls hitting hollow rackets, James Gibb, a retired marathon runner, he associated the noise with the word "ping-pong", which has become the sport's best-known nickname to this day. of today.

In 1921, fans of the sport decided to found a ping-pong association that would register the rules. sport officials in Wales, but were prevented as "ping-pong" was already a trademark registered. Thus, they established the nomenclature "table tennis", and the term "ping pong" is currently only used for recreational purposes After this, the English rules were accepted internationally and table tennis was elevated to the status of an Olympic sport in 1988.

Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world in terms of number of players. Table tennis is known as the sport with the fastest type of ball in the world, being the racket sport that produces the most effect (rotation) on the ball.

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