Parallelism – A Matter of Textual Style

First of all, let us reflect on the structure of a text: paragraphs properly organized and interconnected through the harmonious joining of cohesive elements, ideas arranged in a given logical sequence, in order to form a coherent “whole”. Here are some of the essential elements for a perfect understanding of any speech.

However, it is worth mentioning some obstacles that may tend to arise, directly implying the lack of such perfection. To be more precise, let us turn our focus to the last of the aforementioned considerations, portrayed by “ideas arranged in a given logical sequence, so as to form a coherent 'whole'”. This whole is no longer coherent when there is a break in the similarity between textual elements.

Let us therefore emphasize the words of Othon M. Garcia uttered in his Communication in Modern Prose, which he reveals about such a break:

"If coordination is, as we have seen, a process of chaining identical syntactic values, it is fair to assume that any elements of the sentence - whether clauses or terms of it -, coordinated with each other, must - in principle, at least - present grammatical structure identical, since – as, by the way, Chomsky's grammar teaches – one cannot coordinate sentences that do not comprise constituents of the same type. In other words: similar ideas must correspond to similar verb form. This is what is usually called parallelism or construction symmetry”.

Given these assumptions, we can say that parallelism is characterized by the similarity relationships between words and expressions, materialized through the morphological field (when the words belong to the same grammatical class), syntactic (when the constructions of sentences or sentences are similar) and semantic (when there is a correspondence of sense).

In order to verify them, let us analyze the cases in which the lack of parallelism of morphological order:

His departure is due to hurt, humiliation, resentment and aggressors who so wanted to occupy their position within the company.

We found that there is a rupture of a morphological order, evidenced by the exchange of a noun for an adjective, that is, the term “aggressors” in detriment to “aggressions”. Therefore, the discourse needs to be reformulated, evidenced by:
His departure is due to hurt, humiliation, resentment and aggression by those who so wanted to occupy their position within the company.

In the syntactic field:

The preservation of the environment is not only a duty of citizenship and is for the planet to survive.

Here, it would be correct to use the additive conjunction “but also” instead of the connective “and”, since the discourse reveals the idea of ​​addition regarding the consequences arising from such actions. Thus, the message would be evidenced as follows:

The preservation of the environment is not only a duty of citizenship, but also helps the planet to survive.

In the semantic field:

There is an excerpt taken from Machado's work, portrayed by: Marcela loved me for fifteen months and eleven contos de reis.
Even knowing the real intentions of the author, Machado de Assis, we detected a break in the sense of time, since it stops mocking Marcela's interest, he introduces another idea, this time related no longer to the notion of time, but to the quantity itself. said.

Based on such knowledge, we set out to check some representative cases of parallelism.

the more...the more.

Currently, the more we qualify, the (so much) more we get a good placement in the job market.

Both parallelistic structures were used in order to indicate a progression between the constituent terms.

be... be; want Want; well well.

Always take care of your attitudes, whether at home or at work.
Whether you like it or not, you will have to take this opportunity.

We found that the parallelism was due to the notion of alternation (first example), as well as position (second example).

no... and no/nor.

We weren't able to travel this year, nor the year before.

Such resource is used with the intention of emphasizing a sequence of negative actions.

on the one hand... on the other.

If on the one hand it pleased the guests, on the other hand it displeased the family.

It appears that the use of parallel structures was intended to establish a comparison, alluding to negative and positive aspects through an action.

as well as.

The farewell is extremely bad, both for those who leave and for those who stay.

We identified that the structures introduce both the idea of ​​addition and of equivalence or equivalence.

Verb tenses.

If everyone attended, there would be more cooperation.
If everyone attends, there will be more cooperation.

We infer that the use of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive (appear) fits the future of the indicative past tense (there would), as well as the future of the subjunctive fits the future of the present.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Essay - Brazil School

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