Alagoas wins the first professional master's degree in Special Education

Contribute to the development of technological and pedagogical innovations and proposed inclusion support services for schools in which the professionals involved work or may work.

This is the proposal of the first professional master's degree in Special Education in Alagoas (the second in the Northeast), resulting from the partnership between the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) and the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas (Uncisal).

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Approved, last July 10, by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), the initiative – which is part of the Graduate Program Professional in Special Education (Propgees) – covers four postgraduate courses, with the proposal to provide continuing education for different areas of knowledge.

Until it was conceived, the idea of ​​a professional master's degree demanded a series of meetings between professors and researchers, with a view to identifying the best potential of the common project between the partner institutions, emphasizes the professor-doctor and coordinator of the academic master's degree in Special Education at Uncisal, David dos Santos Calheiros, who will be responsible for the postgraduate program, along with Professor Neiza de Lourdes Frederico Fumes, from Ufal.

“The construction of the Professional Graduate Program in Special Education considered the expertise, academic maturity, relevance, impacts, researchers and professors at Uncisal and Ufal”, highlighted the coordinator, who holds a master's and doctorate in Special Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).

For the opportunity, the teaching group of the Professional Master's in Special Education received support from the Deans of Research and Post-Graduation from Uncisal and Ufal, through individual advice, availability of area documents and others necessary for the construction of the Evaluation of New Course Proposals (APCN), articulation of technical visits and facilitation with Capes consultants. At the same time, it was up to the Research Support Foundation of the State of Alagoas (Fapeal) to promote the implementation of the proposal as a social need in the state and region.

“Uncisal presented another great achievement, because with the approval of the professional master's degree in Special Education, Uncisal now has four graduate programs. This advance demonstrates that there is, at Uncisal, a favorable research environment, promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, encourages the dissemination and publication of research and recognizes excellence in research", evaluated the dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Uncisal, Professor Mara Ribeiro.

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