Young man claims to earn almost US$ 2 million a month 'sleeping live'; understand

Kaitlyn Siragusa, better known as Amouranth, one of Twitch's most popular influencers, recently revealed a lucrative source of income: allowing users to spectatorswatch her sleep.

Amouranth gained fame on the video game live streaming platform, Twitch, where she earns money by performing unusual activities.

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This new approach of allowing fans to track their sleep has generated a lot of interest and raised questions about the boundaries between privacy and online entertainment.

Influencer Makes Millions on OnlyFans and Twitch for Being Filmed While Sleeping

The influencer revealed, in an interview with the podcast The Iced Coffee Hour earlier this week that one of her most lucrative ventures involves allowing people to track her sleep.

Amouranth explained that the flows of sleepare particularly lucrative for male streamers, as viewers often donate in an attempt to wake them up. This can be done through notifications, sharing media that play loud music or videos.

Kaitlyn Siragusa also shared more details about some of her other lucrative ventures during the interview.

She pointed out that the $2 million she earns is coming from Twitch alone, and that, most likely, she had earned a few thousand dollars on that platform alone, reaching $9,940 for being sleeping.

In addition to sleep streams on Twitch, she mentioned conversions to the OnlyFans platform, where she also streams in her sleep. She estimates that she could have made between $10,000 to $15,000 from these conversions.

The monthly income can reach an incredible US$ 2 million with just the two platforms. The influencer also revealed that over the years she has explored other business opportunities, such as investments in gas stations and real estate.

Also according to the multimillionaire influencer, she no longer does lives due to lack of time. It really is an amazing story!

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