Woman threatens to report neighbor who left her 13-year-old daughter alone

We live in an increasingly dangerous world, especially for children. In the midst of this, the debate arises about how parents should deal with the protection of their children, giving rise to the term "helicopter parents“.

Recently, a woman who called herself the “Concerned Neighbor” sparked controversy by threatening to call the CPS. of child protection in the United States) after her neighbor left her 13-year-old teenage son home alone. But after all, is it right to leave children alone at home?

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What the experts say

For most parenting experts, it is possible to leave children home alone in adolescence, as long as they feel comfortable and prepared for it. However, this decision should be based on the child's abilities, not the child's age.

According to experts, most children can be left alone for a short time from 10-12 years old. However, if the child is afraid to be alone, leaving him in such conditions is not recommended.

Columnist Amy Dickinson, who has an advice column called "Ask Amy," had a similar opinion regarding the "Worried Neighbor" case.

She stated that 13-year-old boys are capable of staying at home for several hours alone and made reference to so-called “children with lock key”, which were common in the 70s, 80s and 90s, when parents needed to work and left their children alone in House.

However, parenting expert Meg Akabas warns that leaving children home alone can be dangerous and should be done with caution. She suggests that parents talk to their children about the risks and teach them how to deal with emergencies.

In addition, parents should define clear rules, such as schedules and activities that can be carried out during the time they are away from home.


Leaving children alone at home is a delicate issue that must be carefully evaluated by parents. It is important for caregivers to consider their child's abilities and maturity before making this decision.

In the case of the “Concerned Neighbor”, instead of threatening to report the neighbor for negligence, she could offered to help, giving his phone number in case the boy needed anything emergency.

This shows that a kind and proactive attitude can often be much more effective than simply judging and threatening others.

Therefore, it is up to all of us to reflect on the balance between protection and autonomy, and how we can act with empathy and responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of children.

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