10 exercises on the Constitution of 1824 (with comments)

We prepared and selected 10 questions about the Constitution of 1824 to help you prepare for your tests, ENEM or entrance exams.

The Constitution of 1824 provided for the existence of 4 powers, namely:

a) Executive, punitive, judicial and moderating.

b) Executive, totalitarian, moderating and judiciary.

c) Judiciary, executive, moderator and punitive.

d) Legislative, judiciary, moderator and conservative.

e) Judiciary, executive, moderator and legislative.

Answer explained

In addition to the three powers already known (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary), the Constitution of 1824 added the Moderator Power, which would give greater control to the emperor.

The 1824 Constitution was granted two years after which of these important Brazilian historical events?

a) Inconfidência Mineira.

b) Proclamation of the Republic.

c) War of the Farrapos.

d) Independence from Brazil.

e) War of Paraguay.

Answer explained

The Independence of Brazil occurred in 1822. It was from that moment on that the country needed a set of laws of its own, considering that before it was commanded by Portugal.

Regarding the Constitution of 1824, mark what is correct:

a) The 1824 Constitution was the result of the first draft constitution drawn up for the country.

b) The correct term to designate its conception is "enacted". That is, the 1824 Constitution was created via a democratic movement and not an authoritarian one.

c) It foresaw the existence of 4 powers: executive, legislative, judiciary and liberal.

d) The Moderating Power, provided for in the constitution, was managed by the emperor and gave him the ability to govern above the other three powers.

e) Voting, according to the Constitution of 1824, would be universal: all Brazilians would have the obligation to vote.

Answer explained

Going against the grain of the debates present in Europe at that time, the Constitution of 1824 added, in the Moderator, a device that would give the Brazilian emperor the ability to command above the other three powers.

About the Night of Agony, which preceded the Constitution of 1824, check the INCORRECT alternative:

a) Occurred on November 12, 1823, it represented the dissatisfaction of D. Pedro I with the new constitution that was being drawn up for Brazil.

b) It was after the Night of Agony that D. Pedro I decided to abdicate as emperor of Brazil, returning to Portugal the following year.

c) After the Night of Agony, the first constitution of Brazil was carried out in the manner that the monarch decided.

d) The Night of Agony represents the conflicts between D. Pedro I and the then members of the Constituent Assembly.

e) It was through this event that Brazil saw the constitution of 1824 be granted, that is, written and approved without the participation of a large number of people. It represented, therefore, the centralizing project that D. Pedro I had to command the country.

Answer explained

The Night of Agony was when D. Pedro I dissolved the constituent assembly and summoned other people to create a constitution that corresponded to his interests. The abdication of D. Pedro I would come just years ahead, in 1831.

They are characteristics of the Constitution of 1824, except:

a) Established a hereditary monarchy. Thus, Brazil would be commanded by monarchs from the same family, until their death or abdication.

b) Foresaw the exclusive vote for men over 25 years old. Regarding annual income, above 100 thousand réis, it was allowed to vote in primary elections where those who would vote for deputies and senators were chosen.

c) To be a candidate in the primary elections, income had to be equal to or greater than 200 thousand reis and excluded freedmen. Candidates for deputies and senators had to have an income of more than 400,000 réis, be Brazilian and Catholic.

d) Established Catholicism as the country's official religion.

e) Foresaw the existence of 4 powers: Executive (exercised by the Emperor), Legislative (Chamber of Deputies and Senate), Judiciary (judges, elected by the population) and Moderator (also exercised by the emperor).

Answer explained

In the judiciary, judges were not elected by the population, but appointed by the emperor.

During the period of debates about Brazil's first constitution, some groups dominated the political scene. Check below what is correct regarding the interest of each of them:

a) The Portuguese Party or “conservatives”, composed of Portuguese and Brazilians, defended a centralized monarchy, little autonomy for the provinces and maintenance of their economic and social.

b) The Brazilian Party or "Liberals" was formed by Brazilians and Portuguese. These wanted less autonomy for the provinces, defended the parliamentary monarchy and the maintenance of slavery.

c) The Liberal-Radical Party was composed of the urban middle classes. They championed the ideals of economic and political liberalism. Some of its members even wanted the establishment of an absolutist monarchy.

d) Liberal-Radical Party – composed of the urban middle classes that advocated for economic and political communism. Some of its members even wanted the implantation of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

e) The Portuguese Party or “conservatives”, composed of Portuguese and Brazilians, defended a monarchy without centralized power, a lot of autonomy for the provinces and maintenance of their economic privileges and social.

Answer explained

At the time of the constitution, there were 3 different groups that dominated Brazilian politics:

Portuguese Party or “conservatives”, which brought together Lusitanians and Brazilians. They defended the centralized monarchy, little provincial autonomy and maintenance of their economic and social privileges.

Brazilian Party or "liberals", formed by Brazilians and Portuguese. They wanted greater autonomy for the provinces, defended the parliamentary monarchy and the maintenance of slavery.

Liberal-Radical Party – composed of the urban middle classes who advocated for economic and political liberalism. Some of its members even wanted the implantation of the republic.

(ENEM) Art. 90. The appointments of deputies and senators to the General Assembly, and of members of the General Councils of the provinces, will be made by elections, electing the mass of citizens active in parish assemblies, the provincial electors, and these, the representatives of the nation and province. Art. 92. The following are excluded from voting in parish assemblies:

i. Those under twenty-five years of age, which do not include married people, military officers who are over twenty-one years of age, graduated bachelors and clerics of sacred orders.

ll. The children of families, who are in the company of their parents, unless they serve public offices.

ill. Serving servants, in whose class bookkeepers do not enter, and first clerks in trading houses, the servants of the Imperial House, who are not in white braid, and the administrators of rural farms and factories.

IV. Religious and anyone living in a cloistered community.

v. Those who do not have an annual net income of one hundred thousand réis for real estate, industry, commerce, or employment.

BRAZIL. Constitution of 1824. Available at: www.planalto.gov.br. Accessed on: 4 Apr. 2015 (adapted).

According to the articles of the legal device presented, the electoral system established at the beginning of the Empire is marked by:

a) popular representation and individual secrecy.

b) indirect vote and census profile.

c) public freedom and political openness.

d) party ethics and state supervision.

e) liberal character and parliamentary system.

Answer explained

The electoral system developed in Brazil and dictated by the Constitution predicted that the votes would be indirect (voters would vote for people who would have the the right to, yes, vote for candidates for office) and census (intended only for individuals who have a certain minimum income pre-established).

(UNIMONTES) The constitutional charter of 1824 was in force with few changes until the end of the imperial period, in 1889

Check the alternative that does NOT refer to this constitution.

a) The 1824 constitution defined the character of government as monarchical, hereditary and constitutional.

b) For administrative purposes, Brazil was divided into provinces that received a relative degree of autonomy and political decentralization.

c) The Roman Catholic religion continued to be the official religion, allowing only the private worship of other religions, “without any external form of temple”.

d) The constitutional charter determined that the vote was indirect and census. This last aspect excluded those who had an annual income of less than 100 milreis.

Answer explained

The Moderating Power, present in this constitution, provided for the centralization of power in the hands of the emperor and not decentralization.

(AND EITHER) Political Constitution of the Empire of Brazil (of March 25, 1824)

Art. 98. The Moderating Power is the key to all political organization, and is delegated privately to the Emperor, as Supreme Head of the Nation, and his First Representative, so that he may incessantly watch over the maintenance of the independence, balance and harmony of the other Powers Politicians.

Available at: www.planalto.gov.br. Accessed on: 18 Apr. 2015 (adapted).

The appropriation of Montesquieu's ideas within the aforementioned constitutional norm had the objective of:

a) Expand the boundaries of national borders.

b) Ensure the monopoly of foreign trade.

c) Legitimate the authoritarianism of the state apparatus.

d) Avoid reconquest by Portuguese forces.

e) Serve the interests of regional oligarchies.

Answer explained

In the Constitution of 1824, the main function of the Moderating Power was to give the emperor more artifices.

(Cesgranrio) The realization of the political emancipation of Brazil, in 1822, was followed by divergences between the various sectors of society, around the constitutional project, culminating in the closure of the Assembly Constituent. Check the option that correctly relates the precepts of the Imperial Constitution with the characteristics of Brazilian society:

a) The autonomy of the former Captaincies served the interests of the agrarian oligarchies.

b) The Moderating Power gave the Emperor prominence over the other Powers.

c) The abolition of the Padroado, by liberal influence, ensured wide religious freedom.

d) The progressive abolition of slavery, proposed by José Bonifácio, was one of the main reasons for opposition to Emperor D. Pedro I.

e) The introduction of universal suffrage allowed the political participation of popular layers, provoking rebellions in various parts of the country.

Answer explained

The Moderating Power was a device included in the Constitution of 1824 that determined the figure of the emperor as the most powerful in Brazilian state offices.

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