Meaning of Ambiguous (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ambiguous is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines something that has or can have more than one sense. something that can have multiple meanings.

In Portuguese grammar, it is said that a word, word or phrase is ambiguous when it has a meaning that allows for different interpretations. Ambiguous terms, even, can have totally different meanings.

For example, the word "bank" can be interpreted as both a banking house and a bench to sit on. "Company" is also another example of an ambiguous term, as it can mean "company of people" or "a company".

When a word has several meanings it can also be called polysemic.

Learn more about the meaning of polysemy.

Ambiguous words must be used within a context, avoiding or hindering misunderstandings and uncertainties about the real intention of the message you want to convey.

An answer is said to be ambiguous when it has an uncertain, dubious or misleading meaning.

Ambiguity is the state or quality of what is ambiguous, which can also express indecision, uncertainty and indeterminacy.

Learn more about the meaning of Ambiguity.

Synonyms for ambiguous

  • doubtful
  • dubious
  • enigmatic
  • mistake
  • inaccurate
  • uncertain
  • indeterminate
  • problematic
  • wobbly
  • inaccurate
  • neutral

See also the meaning of Dubious and 6 Examples of Ambiguity.

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