Meaning of Avid (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Avid is an adjective in Portuguese, referring to what desire with a lot of intensity, that is, an extremely strong will to conquer, win or do something.

Etymologically, the word "greedy" arose from the Latin avidus, which means "greed", "desire" or "greed".

An avid individual may also be one who anxiously awaits the achievement of something in a state of great anxiety. In this context, greed can be considered a suffering, as the person who awaits a certain event suffers from a delay in the response of something or someone.

Example: "The boy arrived from school eager for lunch" or "The girl eagerly waits for her favorite band's concert".

Another use for the avid avid is when someone is very hungry or thirsty, not being easily sated.

The term greedy can still define an individual who has a habit of saving money, in a mean way; a person who feels pleasure or "passion" in saving money, also known as "cow hand".

In English, the word "greedy" can be translated to avid, eager or hungry.

the female of avid is life.

Synonyms for greedy

  • stewed
  • afflicted
  • wishful
  • anxious
  • insatiable
  • worried
  • longing
  • petty
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