You hand bones they total 27 bones, divided into bones of the wrist, palm and fingers. With regard to joints, in the hands it is possible to perceive more than 20 places where bones meet. Hands are extremely important structures for human beings, helping us, for example, to hold and handle objects.
Read too: Human skeleton
Summary on the bones of the hand
The hands have 27 bones and more than 20 joints.
Eight bones are found in the wrist.
There are five bones in the palm of the hand.
In each finger, the presence of three bones is observed, with the exception of the thumb, which has only two bones.
hand anatomy
The hands are structures found at the end of the upper limbs, being formed by different structures, such as bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Hands are extremely important for human beings, being related to tasks that require strength and also precision, such as holding, squeezing and manipulating objects.
Know more: How are bones formed?
What are the bones of the hand?
The bones of the hand total 27 bones, which are divided into three groups:
The wrist bones are the carpal bones (eight bones), the metacarpal bones are the palm bones (five bones), and the finger bones are the phalanges (three bones in each finger except the thumb). It is clear, therefore, that, despite being a relatively small structure, the hand has a considerable amount of bones.

Carpi: bones of the wrist
The bones that make up the wrist are called carpal bones and are arranged in two rows, each containing four bones. In the proximal row, the pisiform, triquetrum, lunate, and scaphoid bones are present. In the distal row, we have the hamate, capitate, trapezoid and trapezium.
Metacarpals: bones of the palm of the hand
The palm of the hand is formed by five metacarpal bones, which radiate from the wrist and articulate with the proximal phalanges of the fingers.
Phalanges: finger bones
The bones that make up each finger are called phalanges. The fingers have three phalanges, the proximal, middle and distal. Only the thumb has two phalanges, with no middle phalanx.
hand joints
A joint can be defined as the place of union between two or more bones, regardless of the degree of movement allowed at that location.
In each hand, we find 27 bones and over 20 different joints. In the wrist we have radiocarpal and intercarpal joints. With regard to the radiocarpal joints, they are formed between the distal end of the radius, an articular disc and three bones of the proximal row of wrist bones. The intercarpals occur between the carpal bones.
The carpometacarpal joints, in turn, occur between the distal portion of the carpal bones and the basal portion of the metacarpal bones. The metacarpal ends also form joints with the proximal ends of the phalanges, these joints being called the metacarpophalangeal joints. Between the phalanges, the so-called interphalangeal joints are observed.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher