Pyelonephritis: what it is, how serious it is, how to treat it

pyelonephritis it is an infection of kidneys which can be acute or chronic and which is usually caused by bacteria. The bacteria best known for triggering the problem is the so-called Escherichia coli, however, other agents may be responsible for the infection. The causative agent of pyelonephritis can reach the kidneys via the bloodstream or via ascension through the lower urinary tract.

The diagnosis includes the analysis of the symptoms presented by the patient and the performance of laboratory and imaging tests. Treatment must be started immediately and takes into account the causative agent of pyelonephritis, as well as the clinical picture presented by the patient. If pyelonephritis is not treated properly, complications such as kidney failure and sepsis may occur.

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Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary of pyelonephritis
  • 2 - What is pyelonephritis?
  • 3 - What causes pyelonephritis?
  • 4 - Symptoms of pyelonephritis
  • 5 - Is pyelonephritis serious?
  • 6 - Diagnosis of pyelonephritis
  • 7 - Treatment of pyelonephritis
  • 8 - How to prevent pyelonephritis?

Overview of pyelonephritis

  • Pyelonephritis is a infection that affects the urinary tract higher.

  • Generally, pyelonephritis is triggered by bacteria that normally live in our gastrointestinal tract.

  • The etiological agent causing pyelonephritis can reach the kidneys through the bloodstream or the lower urinary tract.

  • Fever, chill and pain lumbar spine are the three characteristic symptoms of pyelonephritis.

  • The diagnosis of pyelonephritis involves performing tests and analyzing the symptoms presented by the patient.

  • Treatment of pyelonephritis should be started as soon as possible.

What is pyelonephritis?

Pyelonephritis is a infection affecting the urinary tract and is also known as an upper urinary tract infection. Its about an inflammation in the kidneys, which can be acute or chronic and it can occur through the hematogenous route (through the blood stream) or through the ascending route (through the lower urinary tract).

Just like the cystitis (lower urinary tract infection), pyelonephritis can be classified into complicated and uncomplicated. It is called complicated when the infection occurs in patients who have functional and anatomical changes in the urinary tract. The uncomplicated, in turn, occurs in patients who do not have such changes.

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What causes pyelonephritis?

As highlighted earlier, pyelonephritis is triggered by infectious agents, especially bacteria. The main agents causing this inflammation are the gram-negative bacilli that normally live in the gastrointestinal tract, such as Escherichia coli.

Infectious agents can reach the kidneys through the hematogenous or ascending route. The latter is the main form of kidney infection and occurs due to the rise of the agent causing the infection. through the urinary tract lower until it reaches the kidneys. The hematogenous route is a rarer condition, and in this case, the agent causing the infection reaches the kidneys through the bloodstream.

Know more: Characteristics of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus

symptoms of pyelonephritis

 Woman with her hands on her lower back, indicating pain, one of the symptoms of pyelonephritis.
Lower back pain, chills, and fever are symptoms of pyelonephritis.

In general, pyelonephritis begins after a condition of cystitis, which is characterized by painful urination, increased urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, and urgency to urinate. Pyelonephritis, on the other hand, characterized by causing, according to the Brazilian Society of Nephrology:

  • high fever, usually above 38°C;

  • chills;

  • lumbar pain, which can affect one or both sides.

Is pyelonephritis serious?

Pyelonephritis is a urinary tract infection considered serioustherefore needs immediate treatment. If not properly treated, pyelonephritis can trigger chronic kidney failure. In addition, bacteria present in the kidneys can easily reach the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, which can trigger the multiple organ failure.

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis

The diagnosis of pyelonephritis includes the clinical examination and the realization of specific exams, such as routine urine, urine culture, antibiogram, blood culture and imaging tests. Among the imaging exams that can be requested are ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI.

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Treatment of pyelonephritis

Treatment of pyelonephritis is individualized and will take into account the agent causing the infection, the patient's clinical condition and whether the individual is a child, adult, elderly or pregnant woman, for example. In the case of pyelonephritis caused by bacteria, the patient will use of antibiotics specific.

It is important to highlight the importance of carrying out adequate treatments and correctly executed. Some patients end up not performing the therapy prescribed by the doctor optimally, causing the growth of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, which makes the treatment of illnesses bacterial.

How to prevent pyelonephritis?

To prevent pyelonephritis, as well as other urinary infections, it is recommended that the individual:

  • drink a lot of water;

  • do not hold urine for a long time;

  • practice proper personal hygiene;

  • urinate and wash after sex.

Furthermore, it is essential search for a doctor as soon as any symptoms of a urinary tract infection appear.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Pyelonephritis"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 6, 2023.

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