How are Archaeological Sites found?

There are some ways for the archaeologist to perceive that, in older periods, man used a certain space. In some cases, the encounter of archaeological sites can be by chance, for example, during drilling. of a well, construction of roads, agricultural work, construction of buildings, among others activities. There have already been cases in which, in the midst of these activities, large archaeological sites were found.
Topographical and cartographic characteristics (maps) often make it possible to identify the existence of archaeological sites. From the analysis of aerial photographs (called aerophotography), several indications of occupations from the prehistoric and historical period have already been noticed.

But how is this occurrence perceived?

The proximity of water surfaces (rivers, mangroves, ponds...) and the vegetation cover of certain areas that would allow human subsistence from of capturing its resources were recurrent sites for prehistoric settlements, places perfectly identifiable on maps and photographs airlines.

As for historic sites, from aerial photography, one can observe structures from the ruins of a building, as the shape of the existing vegetation in the place where the building existed results in a characteristic design that can reveal the location of the walls of this building.
In the case of middens, their occurrence (elevation) is easily perceived by the highlight of mounds in a flat area of ​​the landscape. Its existence can also be recognized in studies of geomorphology (area of ​​geography that studies the relief and its components).
Currently, there are more modern methods and techniques for archeology, such as the use of a detector of electromagnetic equipment that is capable of identifying magnetic objects in the soil, since the earth is conductive of electricity.
Methods based on geosciences (geophysics, sedimentology, geomorphology) corroborate the location of archaeological sites. However, oral information has been a great ally in identifying these sites during archaeological research.
In this part of our series ‘UNRAVELING ARCHEOLOGY: A JOURNEY INTO THE PAST, we present characteristics of the types of sites more frequent archaeological sites as a way of awakening, in the lay public, care for these sites that are protected by law federal.
If by chance you identified any of the characteristics mentioned in the text that we present here about the litho-ceramic sites, rock formations, sambaquis or historic sites, on some of your walks or even close to your residence, communicate to an institution such as the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) or any other archeology research body (universities, centers of search).
Your information will be very important for us archeology professionals to continue studying and trying understanding the way of life of past populations as a way of preserving the past to understand the present and the future. I count on your collaboration. See you next week!


CANTO, Antonio. 2003. Archeology Topics. Rio de Janeiro: CBJE. 66 p.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

By Antonio Canto
Brazil School Team 

Antonio Canto is an Archaeologist, Master in Geosciences (UFPE), PhD in Archeology (University of Coimbra). College professor; Archaeologist at the João Pessoa Cultural Heritage Revitalization School-Workshop; President of the Center for Archaeological and Social Research (NUPAS).

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RIBEIRO, Thiago. "How are Archaeological Sites found?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 4, 2023.

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