Literary text: what it is, characteristics, types

O literary text it is connotative and does not necessarily have a practical use, as it is not created for a specific purpose of practical use. Thus, it is the male and female reader who attribute a function to this type of text, such as generating reflection, emotion or entertainment. The non-literary text is written with a specific objective, such as informing, for example. Thus, there is a big difference between a poem and a newspaper report.

Read too: Textuality — the set of elements that characterize a text

Topics of this article

  • 1 - What is a literary text?
  • 2 - Characteristics of the literary text
  • 3 - Structure of the literary text
  • 4 - What are the types of literary texts?
  • 5 - Examples of literary text
  • 6 - Differences between literary text and non-literary text

What is a literary text?

O text literary is a text that it is not necessarily functional. By this we mean that it is not written to fulfill a certain function. For example, the textual genre medicine leaflet is a utilitarian text. After all, the leaflet is written to bring information to the consumer of a given medicine. Therefore, the leaflet is not a literary text.

But if you ask several people what a poem is for, they will find it difficult to give an immediate answer. And the answers that may be given will be quite varied. This because it is the reader who ends up creating a function for the literary text, such as, for example, moving or making one think.

The literary text also it is plurisignificant, that is, it can have more than one meaning or interpretation. This does not happen with a medicine insert, correct? Moreover, it brings a subjective perspective, that is, the particular view of its author or author. Like this, is not impartial, in addition to having a character mainly fictional.

Characteristics of the literary text

The literary text has the following characteristics:

  • absence of utility function;

  • predominance of connotation;

  • subjective perspective;

  • fictional character.

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Structure of the literary text

The structure of a literary text will depend on the gender literary to which it belongs:

  • Geeblack narrative: the text is written in the form of prose (most of the time), but you can also use the verse (in the case of narrative poems or epics).

  • Glyrical genre: the text presents stanzas and verses (most of the time), but it can also have the structure of prose (in the case of poetic prose).

  • Gdramatic genre: the acts, scenes, lines and rubrics that make up this genre of text can be structured in prose form (most of the time), but also in verse (in the case of dramatic poetry).

What are the types of literary text?

Here are the main types of literary text:

  • poem;

  • song lyrics;

  • tale;

  • narrative chronicle;

  • novel;

  • romance;

  • play;

  • film script;

  • telenovela script.

See too:Differences between literary language and non-literary language

Examples of literary text

  • Example 1:

So the years passed, until 1885. Pestana's fame definitely gave him first place among polka composers; but the first place in the village did not satisfy this Caesar, who continued to prefer him, not the second, but the hundredth in Rome. He still had the alternatives of another time, about his compositions; the difference is that they were less violent. Neither enthusiasm in the first hours, nor horror after the first week; some pleasure and some boredom.

ASSIS, Machado de. A famous man. In: ASSIS, Machado de. several stories. São Paulo: Martin Claret, 2006.

  • Example 2:

The mother indicated, in the backyard, the chicken for lunch. The woman with the red umbrella looked and immobilized the bird by the unique strength of her gaze. Helpless, the animal remained motionless as if playing statue. The woman's gaze didn't threaten like her father's gaze. One made them stay and the other ordered them to leave. The man with the black umbrella died of a knot in his guts. Nobody used a knife to slice it and check it. It was just a suspicion.

QUEIROS, Bartolomeu Campos de. bitter red. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2011.

  • Example 3:

The deputy, with an evil glint in his eyes, said nothing, turned his back on the major and went to give instructions to his guards. The four sons-in-law, terrified, grabbed the handles of the mother-in-law's coffin and pulled it out of the hearse. and, after a moment's hesitation, they began to walk, very slowly, towards the entrance of the necropolis. The crowd that accompanied the funeral procession was now also on the esplanade in front of the cemetery, forming an irregular semicircle, a kind of amphitheater in whose arena what the Prof. Libindo Olivares imagined it could be a rustic Greek tragedy and Lucas Faia, a macabre provincial comedy.

TRUE, Erico. Incident in Antares. Porto Alegre: Editora Globo, 1971.

  • Example 4:

FILOMENA — You can still see the kid's desire to smile... this is a bullet hole... oh the size of the child... It shouldn't even reach my elbow.

(Philomena cries. Go to the bus stop. Speak loudly.)

PHILOMENE — You tyrant queen, that life... Filomena da Cabula should have launched a funeral stand there in Dadivosa, selling coffins.

(Noise of the bus arriving, banging cans, roaring.)

ROSA, Allan da. from Kabula. Sao Paulo: Global, 2008.

  • Example 5:

I put my heart in Goiás and I sing like nobody else.
I sing the stones, I sing the waters, the washerwomen, too.
I sang an old backyard with a stone wall.
I sang a high gate with a fallen ladder.
I sang the little old house of a poor old woman.
I sang a holey quilt spread out on the flagstone; very sorry,
I asked her for patches.
I sang woman of life conforming her life.

CORALINA, Cora. Singing. In: CORALINA, Cora. My string book. So Paulo: Global, 2012.

  • Example 6:

How to drink this bitter drink?
Swallow the pain, swallow the toil?
Even if the mouth is shut, the chest remains
Silence in the city is not heard
What is the use of being a saint's son?
It would be better to be the son of another
Another less dead reality
So many lies, so much brute force

Father, take this cup away from me
Father, take this cup away from me
Father, take this cup away from me
Of blood red wine

BUARQUE, Chico; GILL, Gilberto. Cup. In: BUARQUE, Chico. Chico Buarque. Rio de Janeiro: Polygram/ Philips, 1978.

Differences between literary text and non-literary text

The literary text and the non-literary text have opposite characteristics. Earlier, we said that the literary text has these characteristics:

  • absence of utility function;

  • predominance of connotation;

  • subjective perspective;

  • fictional character.

Therefore, the non-literary text presents:

  • utility function;

  • dominance of denotation;

  • objective perspective;

  • non-fictional character.

They are examples of non-literary texts the following texts:

  • medicine leaflet;

  • cake recipe;

  • reporting;

  • news;

  • instruction manual.

By Warley Souza
Literature Teacher

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