See the difference between Comprehension and Interpretation of text

Comprehension of a text is the analysis and decoding of what is actually written, be it sentences or present ideas.

Text interpretation, on the other hand, is linked to the conclusions we can reach by connecting the ideas of the text with reality. It is the subjective understanding that the reader had about the text.

It is possible to understand a text without interpreting it, but it is not possible to interpret it without understanding it.

Text comprehension Text interpretation
What is it It is the analysis of what is written in the text, the understanding of the phrases and ideas present. This is what we can conclude about what is written in the text. It is the way we interpret the content.
Information The information is present in the text. The information is outside the text, but has a connection with it.
Analysis Work with objectivity, with the phrases and words that are written in the text. It works with subjectivity, with what you understood about the text.

What is text comprehension?

Text comprehension means decoding it to understand what was said. And the

objective analysis and the assimilation of words and ideas present in the text.

The expressions that usually relate to understanding are:

  • According to the text...
  • According to the author…
  • In the text…
  • The text states that...
  • The author suggests…

What is text interpretation?

The interpretation of the text is what we can conclude about it, after establishing connections between what is written and reality. These are the conclusions we can draw based on the author's ideas. This analysis takes place subjective way and is related to the deduction of the reader.

There is a science that studies the theory of interpretation, called hermeneutics. It is a branch of philosophy that explores the interpretation of texts in different areas, such as literature, religion and law.

In text interpretation, the expressions commonly used are:

  • In light of the foregoing, we can conclude…
  • It is inferred from the text that…
  • The text allows us to deduce that…
  • It follows from the text that...
  • The text makes it possible to understand...

Also find out the differences between:

  • Cohesion and coherence
  • news and reporting
  • Formal and informal language
  • Speech, language and language

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