What is Syntactic Function: summary and examples

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The syntactic function refers to the role played by a word or set of words in a prayer. It fits, therefore, in the linguistic studies on syntax, that is, about the structure and the relationship between the elements that make up the language.

Each word or set of words in a sentence is a term that performs a syntactic function specific. These terms can be essentials, imembers or Theaccessories.

Table with information about syntactic function and clause terms

Essential Terms of Prayer

The essential terms of prayer are those which can't miss in a prayer. They are crucial for the sentence to have complete and coherent meaning.


It is the end of the prayer that performs or undergoes the action expressed by the verb. In other words, it's who is spoken of in the sentence. It can be expressed by a noun, pronoun, numeral or equivalent expression.


The dog barks very loudly.


The predicate contains the main information about the subject. It is composed of the verb and other terms that complement the action expressed by the verb.


The girl play piano.

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Terms of Prayer

The terms that make up the sentence are those that complete the meaning of essential terms, that is, which are necessary in order that the prayer may have a complete and correct sense.

Verbal Complements: Direct Object

Direct object is the term that receives the action of the verb directly, answering the questions "what?" or "who?".


He bought a new book.

Verb complements: Indirect Object

The indirect object indicates to whom or for whom the action is aimed of the verb, answering the question "to whom?" or "to whom?".


He borrowed the book for the friend.

Nominal Complement

It is the term that complete the sense of the noun, adjective or adverb. It is always preceded by a preposition.


She's afraid tall.

Subject Predicative

Refers to the subject of the sentence, attributing a characteristic or state to it. It usually accompanies a linking verb.


the bird is blue.

Predicative of the Object

predicative of the object refers to the direct or indirect object of the sentence, attributing a characteristic or state to it.


He considers classical music monotonous.

Passive Agent

The passive agent has the function of indicating the person or thing doing the action when prayer is on passive voice. It is, as a rule, accompanied by the preposition "por" or its contracted forms (by, by, by, by).


The book was written by the author.

Accessory Terms of Prayer

Accessory terms of the sentence are those that are not essential for its structure, but complement or explain the circumstances under which the action takes place.

Adjunct Adnominal

directly related to the noun, attributing characteristics, qualities or specifying it. always follow the nuclear noun of a given syntactic function.


O car red was parked on the street.

adverbial adjunct

The adverbial adjunct has the function of change the meaning of a verb, adjective or adverb, indicating circumstances such as time, place, mode or intensity. It can be expressed by an adverb, an adverbial phrase or even a subordinate adverbial clause.


He left quickly from the room.


It is the term that relates to another term of prayer, explaining it or specifying it. It can appear both before and after the term to which it refers, and can be highlighted or not by punctuation marks, such as a comma, colon or dash.


My brother, the youngest in the family, loves to play football.


the vocative is intended directly to the interlocutor, calling him or questioning him. It should be highlighted with commas or another punctuation mark that conveys this emphasis, such as an exclamation point or an ellipsis.


A-N-A, can you help me?


  • BECHARA, Evanildo. School Grammar of the Portuguese Language. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerne, 2009.
  • BENJAMIN, Elson; PICKETT, Velma. Introduction to Morphology and Syntax. São Paulo: Cortez, 1973.

See too:

  • Grammatical classes
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Adjective

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