See what types of lemon are and their characteristics

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There are 4 known types of lemon: Sicilian, Tahiti, Galician and clove or redneck. Despite many similarities, each type has distinct characteristics and are used for different purposes.

It is also worth mentioning that only the Sicilian lemon is a true lemon. The rest are acidic limes, derived from the original lemon.

citrus fruits

Lemons are the fruit of the lemon tree, which, unlike other plants that generate citrus varieties, produces fruits continuously.

Differences between lemons are based on size and flavor and can vary in color from green to orange. These fruits are widely used all over the world, being the main ingredient of the most famous drink in Brazil, the caipirinha.

Sicilian lemon

Sicilian lemon

Commonly called the “true lemon”, the Sicilian lemon is the oldest type of lemon in the world. More acidic than other lemons, it is often used in cooking for sweets, sauces and liqueurs.

Sicilian lemon has an elongated shape and the yellow rind is quite thick.

Although known for its good smell, it is not as juicy as other varieties. And the concentrated acidity makes it used in several dishes, such as risottos.

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lemon tahiti

lemon tahiti

Known for being the main ingredient of caipirinha, Tahiti lemon is the most commercialized type in Brazil. Very juicy and with few seeds inside, tahiti is the sweetest and least acidic among lemons, perfect also for lemonades.

With a rounded shape and smooth, green rind, the Tahiti lime can be used for purposes outside the kitchen. It is often used to eliminate odors and in making home remedies.

It is worth remembering that tahiti is an acidic lime, originating from the real lemon.

Galician lemon

Galician lemon

The Galician lemon, which is also an acidic lime originating from the real lemon, has a rounded shape and a thin peel, light green or orange in color. It is a lemon known to be tasty, even if it is small in size.

It is one of the most used types of lemon in cooking, being much appreciated in ice cream, sauces, seasonings, drinks, sweets and juices.

In the old days, it was the lemon used in the caipirinha. However, due to shortages at a certain time, it was replaced by Tahiti, which ended up taking its place in the drink recipe permanently.

Carnation or caipira lemon

Carnation lemon, redneck, rose

Also known as “pink lemon”, this variety is the result of crossing between lemon and tangerine. Due to its appearance, with an orange peel that approaches red, it is common for people to confuse it with a small orange.

The taste and aroma of clove lemon are remarkable. Therefore, they are very popular for marinating meat and replacing vinegar in salads. With a bacteria that affects the skin of the fruit, but which is not harmful to humans, the carnation lemon may not look so attractive, but it is one of the juiciest.

Lemons are known for their high vitamin C content. They are also sources of minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, among others.

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