Difference between attachment and appendix

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Annex and appendix are post-textual elements that are part of research papers. Both are used to complement or prove the argument of the text.

According to ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), the main difference between annex and appendix is ​​that appendices are texts created by the author himself to complement his argument, while the annexes are documents created by third parties, and used by the author.

Both the appendix and the annex must be present in the summary of scientific papers. Appendices must appear after references, and annexes follow appendices.

Attachment Appendix
ABNT definition Attachment is the text or document used to complement a work, which was not prepared by the author himself. Appendix is ​​the text or document used to complement a work, which was prepared by the author himself.
who writes Developed by third parties. Prepared by the author of the work.
Positioning Attachments must come after the appendices. Appendices come after references.
Example Maps, statutes, laws, images, etc. Interviews, reports, etc.
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What is Attachment?

The attachment is a text or document, which is used in a Scientific Work (article, monograph, thesis, among others), but which is not authored by its writer. It is used to prove, illustrate or substantiate the arguments present in the work.

attachment and appendix

What is Appendix?

Appendices are the texts, the documents prepared by the author of the Scientific Work, and serve to prove or complement an argument.

In short, if the author of the scientific work himself created the document or material to complement a certain argument, this document is called an appendix. If it is written or created by a third party, it is an attachment.

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