Regular Education: what it is, types and modalities

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Regular education is a education system which covers the Basic education Brazilian, that is, the Elementary and high school. It was established from the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB — 9.394/96) of 1996, aiming at standardize national education, organizing it by age group of students.

Students between six and seventeen years of age must attend regular education, distributed in grades or years according to age. This distribution occurs as follows:

Elementary School Ages
Early Years
1st year 6 years
2nd year 7 years
3rd year 8 years
4th year nine years old
5th year 10 years
Final Years
6th grade 11 years
7th grade 12 years
8th grade 13 years
9th grade 14 years
High school Ages
1st year 15 years
2nd year 16 years
3rd year 17 years

Some exceptions are tolerated regarding the appropriate age to attend each grade. This is the case of students who repeat a year, for example.

In Regular Education, students study the school year completed, receiving a comprehensive training in different areas of knowledge. These areas are divided into different disciplines, such as Portuguese, Mathematics, etc.

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In this system, education is obligatory (up to basic level), free It is inclusive, condemning any form of discrimination, and children and young people with disabilities are also admitted.

Regular education is provided in schools public It is private, regulated by the Ministry of Education.

Basic education

The Brazilian educational system is composed of two levels: Basic Education and Higher Education. Basic Education, since the LDB of 1996, is composed of the following stages:

  • Child education
  • Elementary School
  • High school

Child education

Early Childhood Education in Brazil is the first stage of Basic Education. It is aimed at children from zero to five years old.

It aims to promote the comprehensive development of children. To this end, it aims to improve their motor, social, emotional and cognitive skills, in addition to stimulating the development of language and culture, preparing them for Elementary School.

This stage of Basic Education is carried out in non-domestic educational institutions, such as kindergartens It is preschools, full-time or part-time, as a complement to family and community action.

Early Childhood Education is also characterized by a playful approach, with educational activities and games, which make learning more enjoyable and effective for children.

Elementary School

Elementary education in Brazil is mandatory and lasts nine years, usually starting at age six. It is composed by early years (1st to 5th year) and final years (6th to 9th grade).

The aim is to develop basic reading, writing and math skills, as well as provide a solid base of knowledge in the areas of humanities, natural sciences and physical education.

States and municipalities usually work together to offer Elementary Education and ensure continuity in the learning process. This involves collaboration between the first phase, normally administered by the municipality, and the second phase, which is the responsibility of the State, in order to guarantee the cohesion and integrity of teaching.

High school

High School is the final step of Basic Education, with a duration of three years. Basically, it has the following objectives:

  • Consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired in elementary school.
  • Preparing students for citizenship and work, aiming to improve them as ethical and autonomous human beings.
  • To promote a critical spirit, as well as an understanding of scientific and technological concepts in today's society.

This teaching stage has two modalities: regular It is vocational.

  • Regular High School: aims to provide the expansion of cultural training, preparing students for the National High School Examination (AND EITHER), competing for Higher Education.
  • Vocational High School: promotes general training for work or preparation for technical careers, with scientific and technological initiation.


BRAZIL. Ministry of Education and Culture. LDB — Law No. 9394/96, of December 20, 1996. Establishes the guidelines and bases for national education. Brasilia: MEC, 1996.

Know more:

  • Education
  • level of education
  • Education
  • School
  • Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB)

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