Difference between Ego, Superego and Id

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The Ego, the Superego and the Id are instances that form the human psyche. This according to the Theory of Personality, developed by Sigmund Freud in his studies on psychoanalysis.

What is ID?

O id it is the natural component of individuals, that is, people are born with it. It consists of primitive desires, wills and drives, formed mainly by instincts and organic desires for pleasure.

From the ID, the other parts that make up the human personality are developed: Ego and Superego.

What is Ego?

O ego arises from the interaction of human beings with their reality, adapting their primitive instincts (the Id) to the environment in which they live. It is also called the "reality principle".

It is the mechanism responsible for the balance of the psyche. He tries to regulate the impulses of the id, at the same time that he tries to satisfy them in a less immediate and more realistic way.

Thanks to the Ego, the person manages to maintain the sanity of his personality. The Ego begins to develop in the first years of an individual's life.

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What is Superego?

O Super ego it develops from the Ego and consists of the representation of the individual's moral and cultural ideals and values.

The Superego acts as an “advisor” to the Ego. This is because it warns you about what is or is not morally accepted, according to the principles that were absorbed by the person throughout his life.

According to Freud, the Superego begins to develop in the fifth year of life. This is when contact with society begins to intensify (through school, for example).

From the age of five, social relationships are better interpreted by human beings.

Id, ego and superego in emojis
Id, Ego and Superego exemplified in emoji

In short, the Id, Ego and Superego are the three components of personality formation. They are the representations of impulsivity, rationality and morality, respectively.

See also the difference between:

  • character and personality
  • ethic and moral
  • emotion and feeling
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Difference between Ego, Superego and Id

Difference between Ego, Superego and Id

The Ego, the Superego and the Id are instances that form the human psyche. This according to the ...

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