Understand the difference between skill and competence

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Skills are capabilities that a person acquires to perform a certain role or function. Competence, on the other hand, is broader and consists of the combination and coordination of skills with knowledge and attitudes.

Although these terms are used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Competencies define the requirements for job success in broader terms than skills.

Think of skills as one of the three qualities that make up a competency; the other two would be knowledge and attitude.

Someone very skilled does not necessarily mean someone very competent. A person can have skills, but not have the necessary skills. Therefore, for someone to be competent, it is necessary to be able to perform their function.

For example, on a football team, a player can be skilled when it comes to dribbling his opponents. However, if he cannot complete plays, he may not be competent. This is because a player who doesn't have such a good dribble can be more effective in scoring goals.

What are Skills?

A skill is an ability learned, through training or experiences, to obtain a desired result or perform job functions.

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Skill is acquired through effort. This to perform activities or functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), objects (technical skills) or people (interpersonal skills).

What are competencies?

Competencies are a set of skills and related knowledge that enable a person to function effectively in a job or situation.

A competency is more than just knowledge and skills. It involves the ability to meet complex demands, using and mobilizing resources, in a particular context. Competencies, therefore, may embody a skill, but they are more than just that.

What? x How?

A simple way to understand the difference between skills and competencies is by relating these terms to the questions “What?” It is like?".

Skills are the specific capabilities that are learned. Knowing a person's skills helps us to understand whether their training and experience prepare them for a type of activity.

In other words, the skills give us "what?". They tell us what kinds of skills a person needs to do a specific activity or job.

However, it does not answer how an individual can carry out a job successfully. Or even how he behaves in the work environment to achieve the desired result.

That "as?" is defined by skills of a person, translating skills and knowledge into work behaviors, and demonstrating the ability to perform tasks competently.

We think of the example of a person who has a PhD in biology. During her years of study, she learned the theories and how to do experiments, so she has what it is necessary to be a university professor.

But as she will use her skills in practice, and whether she has the didactics to teach or not will determine whether she will be a competent teacher.

What is more important: competence or skill?

Both competencies and skills are important for working efficiently. However, someone more competent may be better for a company, or in certain situations, than someone very skilled.

For example, someone might be very skilled at creating marketing plans. But if he cannot resolve urgent situations, someone who has less skills may be more competent than him, managing to solve problems better.

See also the difference between:

  • Efficiency and efficacy
  • Effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness
  • boss and leader
  • soft skills It is hard skills
  • work and employment
  • capitalism and socialism

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