Encceja 2019: test location card is available

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released this Monday, 12th of August, access to the Registration Confirmation Card for the National Examination for Certification of Youth Skills and Adults (fill) 2019. The document can be accessed on the Participant Page.

Access the Encceja 2019 Card here

The Encceja 2019 Card informs the place, date and time of the tests, areas of knowledge related to certification, option of special service and/or social name, if applicable, and the education department or federal institute that will issue the certificate.

Encceja set a record for entries in this year's edition. In all, 2,973,375 enrolled, being 2,331,799 to obtain a high school certificate and 641,576 for elementary school. This number represents a 75% increase compared to last year, when 1,695,607 entries were received.

To participate in the exam for elementary school, you must be 15 years old or older by the 25th of August. For high school, 18 years or older.


The proofs of End 2019 will be held on the day August 25th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Brasília's official time. In the morning, the gates will open at 8 am and close at 8:45 am, while in the afternoon they will open at 2:30 pm and close at 3:15 pm.

For the tests, students must bring the original identity document with photo and a black ink pen made of transparent material. It is also recommended that students bring their Registration Card and a snack.

Encceja participants will answer four objective tests, with 30 multiple-choice questions, in addition to preparing an essay. There will be two tests in the morning and two more in the afternoon.

9 am to 1 pm Natural Sciences; Math
3:30 pm to 8:30 pm Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography
9 am to 1 pm Natural Sciences; Mathematics and its Technologies
3:30 pm to 8:30 pm Languages ​​and Codes; Essay; human sciences

Inep warns that security in this year's exam has been strengthened. The participant who lets his cell phone emit any sound during the race will be eliminated. In addition, all snacks will be searched.

Encceja 2019 Results

The result of Encceja 2019 still has no date set by Inep, but high school grades usually come out in November, while the performance of elementary school is released in December.

Certification is carried out by the departments of education and some federal institutes of education, places that also issue statements of proficiency. It is necessary to get 100 points in each objective test of Encceja to pass, while the essay requires a minimum score of 5 points (out of a maximum of 10).

Participants who obtain the minimum score in one or more tests, but do not have the required score in all areas, may request the declaration of proficiency so that the subjects are eliminated from their Encceja tests 2020.

Encceja x Enem

Participants who complete the Encceja for high school will be able to participate in the next editions of the National High School Exam (And either). With the Enem score, it is possible to enter higher education through the Unified Selection System (SiSU), University for All Program (ProUni) and Student Financing Fund (faithful).

Outdoor Enceja

Brazilians living abroad were able to enroll in the Encceja Exterior 2019. The tests follow the same line of disciplines and will be applied on September 15th, in several countries that have an agreement with Inep, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Encceja Deprived of Liberty

The Encceja Privados de Liberdade serves people who are serving time in the Brazilian prison system or who are on a socio-educational level. Enrollments were made by the pedagogical coordinators of the places where incarceration is carried out. The tests will be applied on October 8th and 9th.

More information at Inep website or in the special of Encceja Brasil Escola.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/encceja-2019-cartao-com-local-prova-esta-disponivel/3124029.html

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