UN General Assembly: what it is and functions

A UN General Assembly It is one of the bodies that make up the United Nations, which defines the policies adopted by that organization. This body is considered egalitarian because it is formed by the 193 member countries of the UN, with each of them entitled to one vote, regardless of their international influence.

The UN General Assembly is held annually at UN Headquarters in New York, with the presence of numerous heads of state and government. Decisions issued by it are known as resolutions, and nations are not obligated to obey them. Some debated issues require a minimum of 2/3 approval.

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  • 2 - What is the General Assembly of the United Nations?
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Summary of the UN General Assembly

  • It is one of the six bodies that make up the United Nations.

  • Sets the UN's policies and budget.

  • It is formed by the 193 member countries of the UN.

  • Each member country is entitled to one vote, regardless of its geopolitical importance.

  • Debates are resolved with a simple majority of votes, but some issues require a minimum majority of 2/3 of approval.

What is the United Nations General Assembly?

The United Nations General Assembly is one of the organs (there are six in all) that composesm the United Nations, the international organization responsible for cooperation between nations in order to maintain peace. The General Assembly is considered a deliberative, political and representative body of the UN.

The essential function of the General Assembly of the United Nations is to define the policies of the United Nations. In addition, and according to the UN itself, this body is responsible for debating international issues considered important and also plays a relevant role in the definition of norms of law International.

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The United Nations General Assembly meets once a year, usually between the months of September and December. The meeting is held at the headquarters of the United Nations, in the city of New York, in the U.S, comprising representatives of all 193 member countries of the UN. The event is coordinated by the President of the General Assembly.

Meetings of the United Nations General Assembly may also take place in special and emergency sessions. The functioning and duties of this Assembly are laid down in a document called the Charter of the United Nations.

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Role of the United Nations General Assembly

The General Assembly is a body in which representatives of all member countries toúnin to discuss relevant issues to the humanity. In the plenary of the Assembly, the heads of government and state of the member countries make their speeches, and the Brazil it is always the country that starts the sequence of speeches.

You topics discussed are taken to vote, and all member countries have one vote on that body. Voting is largely by simple majority, but some more important topics require a 2/3 majority of member countries.

The votes define the United Nations budget as well as determine recommendations through non-binding resolutions, that is, that are not required to be complied with. These resolutions are given on matters as questionsin peace and security, although they can contemplate many other themes, such as culture, poverty etc.

Through them, the president of the General Assembly is also elected, with a term of one year. Also voted:

  • the admission or exclusion of membership in the United Nations;

  • non-permanent members of the security advice;

  • the measures and recommendations for the Security Council;

  • the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council;

  • the election of the members of the Guardianship Council;

  • the election of the UN Secretary-General;

  • the composition of the International Court of Justice.

Among the votes mentioned, the election of new non-permanent members of the councils as well as the admission of new members are matters that require a minimum majority of 2/3 of the votes for approval. It is also common for some resolutions to be issued without the need for a vote because there is a negotiation to obtain the consensus of the members.

Based on the decisions taken in the General Assembly, the UN can define actions that must be carried out by other bodies that compose it, which act on issues of international relevance.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the functions of the General Assembly, in accordance with The Charter of the United Nations:

  • Consider and approve the budget of the United Nations and establish the financial assessments of member states.

  • To elect the non-permanent members of the Security Council and the members of other councils and bodies of the United Nations and, on the recommendation of the Security Council, to appoint the Secretary-General.

  • Consider and make recommendations on general principles of cooperation to maintain international peace and security, including disarmament.

  • Discuss any matter relating to international peace and security and — except when a dispute or situation is being discussed by the Security Council — make recommendations to its respect.

  • With the same exception, discuss and make recommendations on any matters within the scope of the Charter or affecting the powers and functions of any organ of the United Nations.

  • Initiate studies and make recommendations that promote international political cooperation, the development and codification of international law, the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms and international collaboration in the economic, social, humanitarian, cultural, educational and of health.

  • Make recommendations for the peaceful resolution of any situation that may jeopardize friendly relations between countries.

  • Analyze reports from the Security Council and other United Nations bodies.|1|


|1| Learn more about the United Nations General Assembly. To access, click here.

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[1] drop of light It is Shutterstock

By Daniel Neves
History teacher

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SILVA, Daniel Neves. "UN General Assembly"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/assembleia-geral-da-onu.htm. Accessed on April 6, 2023.

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