Find out which were the longest reigns in history

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The Queen Elizabeth II she died yesterday, September 8, aged 96. The Queen left a legacy of 70 years on the British throne.

She owns the longest reign of any other British monarch. However, despite her reign record, Queen Elizabeth does not have the longest reign record in history.

So, check below who reigned the longest and what position the British monarch is in.

1st place - Louis 14 of France

Louis 14th of France
Image credit: Wikimedia

French king born in St. Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, known as the Sun King. His reign lasted 72 years and 110 days. He assumed the crown in 1643, at the age of 4, after the death of his father, Louis XIII.

He was responsible for building the luxurious Palace of Versailles, where the French court lived.

2nd place - Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II
Image credit: Wikimedia

Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne in February 1952, following the death of her father, then King George VI. However, his official coronation was on June 2, 1953, at the age of 25.

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The monarch stayed in power for about 70 and a half years.

Read too:Discover 10 fun facts about Queen Elizabeth II

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3rd Bhumibol Adulyadej from Thailand 

Bhumibol Adulyadej from Thailand 
Image credit: Wikimedia

Bhumibol Adulyadej reigned for 70 years and 126 days. As of his death, King Bhumibol was the longest living monarch in history.

He reigned in Thailand for 70 years and 126 days. His reign began on June 9, 1947 and lasted until October 13, 2016.

4th Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 

Francis Joseph I
Image credit: Wikimedia

Franz Joseph became emperor during the revolutions of 1848, where he remains until 1916. He is crowned as King of Hungary in 1867.

Her reign lasted 68 years and was known as harsh and absolutist.

5th - Queen Victoria

queen victoria
Image credit: Wikimedia

Queen Victoria was in power for 64 years, from 1837 to 1901. Her rule became known as the Victorian Era.

The main achievement during his reign was the apogee of English industrial and colonialist policy, marked by the industrial prosperity of the bourgeoisie.

By Miguel Souza


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