Language: what it is, types and functions

Language is a set of organized ways used by individuals to communicate, for example: languages ​​spoken around the world are organized and used by their speakers.

The purpose of language is communication, therefore, language combines linguistic signs, organized according to a pattern, which makes the act of communicating possible.

Linguistic signs result in a signifier and a signified. Significant is what we recognize when we hear a word. Meaning is the mental representation, that is, it is the image that we build in our head when we hear a word.

For example, when we hear the word “dado”, we think about its letters, that is, the signifier, because we recognize the sound of each one of them. And when we hear the word “data”, we imagine the image of a piece of data, because this image is stored in our memory.

language examples:

The Portuguese language is a form of language, because it is a system used by a group of people. In fact, all languages ​​are a form of language.

They are also languages: dance, music, mathematics and programming, because they all communicate something through the organized way in which they present themselves.

Mathematics, for example, uses its symbols and rules organized in such a way that, anywhere in the world, calculations arrive at the same result.

types of language

The types of language are: verbal, non-verbal and mixed.

THE verbal language uses the word, spoken or written. Examples: newspaper news, email, phone call.

THE non-verbal language resorts to image, color, gesture, sound. In this type of language, communication is done without words. Examples: traffic signal, mime, horn.

THE mixed language, also called hybrid language, uses both the word (verbal language) and the image, sound, etc. (non-verbal language). Examples: comic book, movie, billboard.

Difference between language and language

The difference between language and language is that language is just one of several types of language that exist. Language serves to communicate, therefore, language communicates, our gestures and images also communicate.

Language is a conventional form of communication used by a group of people. Language is usually verbal. We say generally, because we cannot forget that Libras - Brazilian Sign Language - is the official language of the deaf community in Brazil, and it uses signs and facial expressions, not words.

language functions

The purpose of language is to communicate, and communication can be done with many different goals or intentions.

There are six functions of language: referential, emotive, poetic, conative, phatic and metalinguistic.

THE referential function is used to inform, transmit knowledge. Examples: news, class.

THE emotional function is used to convey emotions. Examples: card to wish someone a happy birthday, applause.

THE poetic function is used to highlight the communicated message. Examples: advertisement, poem.

THE conative function is used to influence someone. Examples: political speech, propaganda.

THE phatic function is used to establish communication. Examples: greeting someone, starting a phone conversation.

THE metalinguistic function is used to explain code using that code. Examples: a sentence that explains what a sentence is, a video that explains how to make a video.

It is important to remember that when we communicate something we use several language functions, but there is always one that predominates.

For example, during a class, a teacher can teach a concept (referential function) and use a parody to get students' attention and help them to better fix the concept (function poetics).

Read too:

  • language functions
  • Verbal and non-verbal language
  • Formal and informal language

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