Dissertation: what is it, types and examples of dissertation texts

The dissertation, also called essay text, consists of a text in prose structured to express the point of view or opinion of the writer.

For the success of a dissertation, it is essential that the person who writes it demonstrates a broad knowledge of the subject. Thus, it is guaranteed that the transmission of the message to the reader is clear, objective and well-founded.

The essay text is one of the most requested textual types in Brazilian exams such as entrance exams, ENEM and some public examinations.

It is a type of text that can be worked on by authors at various levels of education and with different degrees of complexity.

Characteristics of a dissertation

Check out the main characteristics of a dissertation text below.

  • Present an author's point of view or opinion.
  • Conduct a critical review.
  • Present arguments, facts and/or data to justify and/or defend ideas.

Dissertation Types

A dissertation can be written in first or third person. Furthermore, it may only expose information to the reader or try to convince the reader of the author's point of view.

Taking into account these particularities, know the types of dissertation:

expository dissertation

As in every essay text, the expository dissertation aims to expose the author's point of view.

However, the main objective is not to convince the reader to agree with the message sender's opinion.

The purpose of the expository dissertation, as the name implies, is to expose ideas, points of view and opinions. This must happen in a coherent way, so that the reader will, from then on, have more knowledge about the exposed subject.

Expository dissertation example:

Musicians, plastic artists, businessmen, jurists and cariocas from different areas had the intention of helping the family more quickly than the slow Brazilian Justice de Amarildo, a worker murdered by MPs in Rio, and, above all, build the project, understanding that the serious problem is not restricted to the emblematic case in Rocinha.

We are all Amarildo - the truth of the facts. By João Tancredo for the column Opinion of the O Dia newspaper on 10/23/2016.

argumentative dissertation

The argumentative dissertation is the most common dissertation type.

The main objective is to convince and dissuade the readerto agree with opinions, ideas and viewsof the author of the text.

An argumentative dissertation can be classified into two different types, depending on the verbal person used: objective dissertation and subjective dissertation.

See below what each of these types of dissertation consists of:

objective dissertation

The objective dissertation presents a impersonal approach, that is, the text is written in the third person.

Although it is implied that the exposed ideas represent the author's opinion, this type of approach brings a touch of impartiality to the text.

This often creates greater acceptance by the reader of the aforementioned arguments.

Example of objective argumentative dissertation:

While a structure of unjustifiable delays in the processes is reproduced, in addition to insufficient responses from the power judiciary, it will remain advantageous to cause damage and trivialize death, responding with a few change at the end of many years old.

In this sense, the battle for results that restore their dignity to victims and that work pedagogically to avoid future abuses becomes more and more urgent. After all, with few exceptions, justice is late and often fails.

Justice: it takes time and often fails. By João Tancredo & Maria Isabel Tancredo Lawyer and Law scholar, for the column Opinion of the O Dia newspaper of 01/07/2018.

Subjective dissertation

In the subjective dissertation, the author of the text writes it in the first person.

Thus, it is clear and evident that the ideas and opinions presented throughout the text reflect the author's point of view.

Subjective argumentative dissertation example:

Having the largest cycling network in the country means nothing if, even within spaces reserved for cycling, lack of education and lack of common sense prevail. People practice all kinds of irregular activities on shared bike paths. It is normal to see accidents, people going against the grain, children without safety equipment and a multitude of other situations. Coming out of this hallway, the situation gets much worse. Cyclists are in a real life and death battle against cars, motorcycles and buses, the latter, in my opinion, the most dangerous.

We, Rio residents, cyclists or not, want safer public transport for everyone. It is impossible for drivers with dozens of fines on their licenses to continue driving freely. It is unacceptable for transport companies to tolerate vehicles without maintenance or inspection moving freely on the streets.

Educate, supervise and punish. By Luísa Jucá for the column Opinion from the newspaper O Dia on 05/11/2013

know more about subjective.

How to structure a dissertation?

To ensure a correct textual progression, the dissertation must be structured in introduction, development and conclusion. The dissertation is a prose text, that is, it is written in continuous lines and sentences. It is a type of text that does not suffer breaks as it happens, for example, in poems.

know more about prose.

Understand what each of these textual parts is for.

Introduction of a dissertation

In the introduction, the author must refer to the subject to be covered in the body of the text, thus contextualizing the subject in order to open the subject to be presented.

It is in this part of the text that the subject and the path to be taken to defend a particular point of view or opinion should be exposed.

know more about introduction and see introductory examples.

Development of a dissertation

The development is the part of the text where the author must present their ideas and points of view; should make its position clear.

In an argumentative dissertation, it is in the development that the author must discuss all the arguments, information and ideas that allow the transmitted message to convince the reader. It is necessary that the reason for the author's position is clear.

Completing a dissertation

In conclusion, the author exposes the consequences of the issue discussed in the text.

It is important to note that the conclusion should not be a summary of what was reported throughout the text.

At this stage, it is common for the author to suggest actions that can help or even solve the problems referred to in the previous paragraphs.

know more about conclusion.

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