Portuguese Language (5)

Website quote: how to do it?

There is a lot of interesting content on the internet, that's why more and more they have conquered their space and can be cited in academic papers. Of course you need to be judicious and...

Poetry is a poetic text, usually in verse, which is part of the literary genre called "lyrical". It combines words, meanings and aesthetic qualities. In it, the aesthetic prevails...

Bibliography is the set of works used to support school or academic work. It is fundamental in research work, as it offers greater property to the text. THE...

Morphosyntax is the analysis of sentences in morphological and syntactic terms. Remember that: Morphological analysis analyzes the words of a sentence individually, or...

The elements of the narrative are essential in a narration which, in turn, is an account of the events and actions of its characters. We can cite as examples of narrative texts a novel,...

The “finally”, written together, and the “finally”, written separately, tend to confuse a lot when we are going to write a text. They have different meanings and therefore must be used in contexts...

Period Composed by Coordination is one whose clauses do not syntactically depend on each other because they are independent. She yelled at her brother / and ran into the bedroom. I rested, / went to...

Apud, which means “quoted by, according, second” is the expression used to quote a quote. This is a resource used in academic papers when you want to cite a...

The structure of words is related to the elements that make up the words. It covers the study of various morphic elements (morphemes): root, stem, theme, affixes (prefixes, suffixes),...

Mixed or hybrid language, as its name implies, is the mixture of verbal and non-verbal language in a given message. Verbal and non-verbal language To start with, it is worth remembering that...

The conclusion of a text, whether it is a paper or an essay, is something very important that must be considered during the entire textual planning process. In the texts...

The Emotive or Expressive Function is characterized by subjectivity, by the message that aims to emote. The emotive function is one of the six language functions: Referential Function,...

Relative pronouns are those that relate to a previous term. Therefore, at the same time that they play the role of pronouns, they also play the role of connectives. They are: who, who,...

The Report is a type of text that, as its name implies, reports about something. Written or oral, it presents a set of detailed information on a particular topic. They are about...

The “about” written together, and the “about” written separately, are terms used in different contexts. Therefore, they cause a lot of confusion when writing a text. To end the...

The current Orthographic Agreement for the Portuguese Language was definitively approved on October 12, 1990 and signed on December 16 of the same year. The document was signed by the Academy of Sciences...

In order to write a good essay it is very important that you eliminate the idea that writing is too complicated. To start, think about the topic of the essay and write down all the ideas that...

The factual function favors the interaction between sender and receiver of messages, that is, between the speaker and the interlocutor. It is used in the opening, establishment and interruption of...

The Greek Alphabet, an adaptation of the Phoenician alphabet, is a phonetic writing system made up of 24 letters that can represent vowels and consonants. It is only used in the Greek language, but...

Treatment pronouns are used to address the people you are talking to (2nd person). They represent polite forms, according to the age or position held, and assume the role of...

Where and Where are words that indicate place, but are used in different situations. So, there are questions about your job, which you will no longer have after reading this...

Enclisis is the placement of the pronoun after the verb. There are two more types of position: Proclisis (pronoun before the verb) and Mesoclisis (pronoun in the middle of the verb). Examples: I called you at...

The Conative Function, also called the appealing function, is characterized by the fact that it transmits a message with the aim of convincing the interlocutor. So, if you write a text that has...

The present tense is a verb tense used to talk about an action that occurs at the time of speech. Thus, it allows us to situate the present tense indicating a habitual action, a truth or...

Also called an index, the table of contents consists of a list that contains the page numbers where the subjects covered in a work are registered. This list is a mandatory item...

Polysemy represents the multiplicity of meanings of a word. From the Greek polis, it means "many", while sema refers to "meaning". Therefore, a polysemic term is one that...

Interjection is an invariable word (it does not vary in gender, number and degree) that represents a resource of affective language. It expresses feelings, sensations, states of...

The Anecdote or Joke is a humorous textual genre intended to lead to laughter. These are popular texts that are told in informal environments, and that usually don't have a...

Adjective degrees are comparative and superlative. They are used to make comparisons or elevate the characteristics attributed to nouns. Examples: This movie is better than...

"Above" together and "above" apart are two homophone words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Check out the meaning of each one here so that you don't stay in the...

The Object Predicative is the element that attributes a characteristic, state or quality to the object. It occurs when the predicate is verb-nominal and works as the nominal head of the...

The introduction of an essay integrates the textual construction and from it the reader remains in the text or not. Regardless of the textual genre, it is in the introduction that the reader is introduced to...

The poster is a textual genre especially marked by its informative function, as well as its appealing function. There are a number of textual genres used to convey messages; among...

The terms that integrate the clause are the verbal complement, the nominal complement and the passive agent. Nominal Complement Nominal complement is the term of the clause that is linked to the subject,...

The Indirect Object is a verbal complement that must be accompanied by a preposition. Its function is to complete the sense of transitive verbs which, by themselves, do not provide information...

Antithesis is a figure of thought that happens through the approximation of words with opposite meanings, for example: hate and love go hand in hand. In this case, the term "hate"...

In Portuguese, coordinated and subordinate clauses are types of clauses in which there are (or not) syntactic relationships. It is worth remembering that syntax is the part of grammar that studies the...

Acrostic is a written composition made from the initial letters of isolated words or located at the beginning or inside of sentences and verses. From the acrostics, which are read...

Textual coherence is the factor that makes it possible to understand the message conveyed in the text. Allied to cohesion, coherence has the function of constructing the meanings of textuality. Through...

The imperative mode is a verbal mode used to express an attitude of order, advice, invitation or request. The other verb modes are: indicative and subjunctive. Affirmative imperative and...

Ambiguity, also called amphibology, is the duplication of meanings in the same sentence. Because it brings together more than one possible interpretation, ambiguities can generate a...

Passive Agent is the term that indicates who or what performs the action of a verb in the passive voice. This term always comes after the preposition. Compare prayers in active and passive voice: John...

There are three Nominal Forms of the verb: infinitive, gerund and participle. They are called nominal because they play a role similar to that of nouns, adjectives or...

Diphthong is the vowel meeting of a vowel and a semivowel (V + SV) or of a semivowel and a vowel (SV + V) in the same syllable. Examples: box (V + SV) de-grade (V + SV) series (SV + V) In...

In the Portuguese language, morphology is a part of linguistics that studies the structures and/or formation of words. From the Greek, the word morphology corresponds to the union of the terms “morph”...

The “me” and the “me” are oblique personal pronouns referring to the 1st person singular (I). Remember that this type of pronouns have the function of replacing nouns and complementing...

Referential cohesion is a textual cohesion mechanism that collaborates with textuality through the use of cohesive elements. It connects the different parts of a text, whether words, prayers and...

The period can be characterized by the presence of one or more prayers, so it can be simple or compound. Simple Period - presents only one prayer, which is called a prayer...

Metalinguagem is the language that describes itself. That is, it uses the code itself to explain it. It is worth remembering that we use metalanguage a lot in our daily lives. When...

The Advertising Text is a type of text conveyed in advertising campaigns and can be written, oral and visual texts. They are present in our daily lives and have the intention...

Active voice: know all about this verbal voice

Active voice: know all about this verbal voice

The active voice is a verbal voice in the Portuguese language.The function of verbal voices is to...

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Communication and Pragmatic Factors

From Latin, the term “communication” (communicate) refers to the act of communicating, that is, s...

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Question Mark (? )

The question mark is a punctuation mark used at the end of questions, that is, direct interrogati...

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