Study Roman numeral exercises with feedback. Roman numerals are represented by the letters: I(1), V(5), X(10), L(50), C(100), D(500) and M(1000).
Practice Roman numerals and clear your doubts with the list of exercises that Toda Matéria has prepared for you.
Exercise I
Write the Hindu-Arabic numerals in the form of Roman numerals.
a) 23
b) 68
c) 198
d) 546
e) 1234
f) 9354
a) 23 = 20 + 3 = XX + III = XXIII
b) 68 = 60 + 8 = LX + VIII = LXVIII
c) 198 = 100 + 90 + 8 = C + XC + VIII = CXCVIII
d) 546 = 500 + 40 + 6 = D + XL + VI = DXLVI
e) 1234 = 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4 = M + CC + XXX + IV = MCCXXXIV
f) 9354 = 9000 + 300 + 50 + 4 = =
Exercise II
Write the Roman numerals in the form of Indo-Arabic numerals.
d) MVI
b) MDIII = 1503
c) MMMDLXIII = 3563
d) MVI = 1006
e) DCCLXV = 765
f) LXXIX = 79
Exercise III
Write the result of the sum of the numbers CCXIII and DLXXIV in the form of Hindu-Arabic numbers.
Answer: 787
Converting Roman numerals to Indo-Arabic:
CCXIII = 100 + 100 + 10 + 3 = 213
DLXXIV = 500 + 50 + 20 + 4 = 574
213 + 574 = 787
Exercise IV
Use Roman numerals to represent:
a) Five hundred thousand
b) three million
c) Nine thousand two hundred and four
d) Forty-four thousand
e) sixteen thousand six hundred and nine
f) One hundred and fifty-seven thousand
a) Five hundred thousand =
b) Three million =
c) Nine thousand two hundred and four =
d) Forty-four thousand =
e) Sixteen thousand six hundred and nine =
f) One hundred and fifty-seven thousand =
Exercise V
The number 99 could be written as IC (100-1), however, we write it as XCIX. Explain why this way of representing 99.
For the numbers 11 to 99, the writing follows the same rule as in Indo-Arabic: first the tens, then the units.
We must decompose 99 as 90 + 9. Writing in Romans:
90 = 100 - 10 = XC
9 = 10 - 1 = IX
In this way, 99 becomes XCIX.
Exercise VI
Write the successor of 4293 in Roman numerals.
The successor of 4293 is 4293 + 1 = 4294.
In Roman numerals: = 4000 + 100 + 100 + 90 + 4 = 4294.
Exercise VII
She rewrites the sentences replacing the Indo-Arabic numerals with Roman ones.
a) The official abolition of slavery in Brazil took place in the 19th century.
b) Bianca started reading a book yesterday, she is enjoying it so much that she said she is already in chapter 12.
c) Lucas is 7 years old and has doubts about how to check the time on a hand clock. He asks his father, and he says that the small hand is at 4 and the big hand is at 45.
d) An important period for the history of France were the years between 1789 and 1799, marked by what became known as the French Revolution.
e) Pope Nicholas 5 exercised the Pontificate between the years 1447 and 1455.
a) The official abolition of slavery in Brazil took place in the 19th century. XIX.
b) Bianca started reading a book yesterday, she is enjoying it so much that she said she is already in the chapter XII.
c) Lucas has VII years and is not sure how to check the time on a hand watch. He asks his father, and says that the little pointer is on the IV and the big one in XLV.
d) An important period for the history of France were the years between MDCCLXXXIX and MDCCXCIX, marked by what became known as the French Revolution.
e) Pope Nicholas V exercised the pontificate between the years of MCDXLVII and MCDLV.
Exercise VIII
(Enem 2021) The Roman numbering system is still used in the indication of chapters and volumes of books, in the designation of centuries and, in chronological order, of popes and kings of the same name. Seven letters of the alphabet are used: four fundamental ones: I (worth 1); X (worth 10); C (worth 100) and M (worth 1000). Three secondaries: V (worth 5); L (worth 50) and D (worth 500).
The rules for writing Roman numerals are:
1. There is no symbol corresponding to zero;
2. The fundamental symbols can be repeated up to three times and their values are added. Example: XXX = 30;
3. A letter placed to the left of another of higher value indicates subtraction of the respective values. Example: IX = 10 – 1 = 9;
4. A letter placed to the right of another of higher value indicates addition of the respective values. Example: XI = 10 + 1 = 11.
In a European city there is a sign indicating the year of its foundation: MCDLXIX.
How many years of foundation will this city celebrate in 2050?
Converting to Hindu-Arabic number:
MCDLXIX = 1469
1469 = 1000 + 400 + 60 + 9 = M + CD + LX + IX
Calculating the difference between 2050 and 1469:
2050 - 1469 = 581
Thus, in 2050, the city will have been founded 581 years ago.
Exercise IX
(Enem 2012) The Roman numbering system, now out of use, was once the main numbering system in Europe. Nowadays, Roman numerals are used in our daily lives essentially to designate the centuries, but it has already been necessary to do math and write quite large numbers in this system of numbering. For this, the Romans placed a dash over the number to represent that this number should be multiplied by 1000. For example, the number represents the number 10 × 1 000, that is, 10 000. According to this information, the numbers
are, respectively, equal to
1 205 000 and 43 000.
1 205 000 and 63 000
1 205 000 and 493 000
1 250 000 and 43 000
1 250 000 and 63 000
Exercise X
(ENCCEJA 2019) While walking through the streets of a historic city, a tourist identified, on the facade of a building, the symbols MCDXVII. Not understanding what was written, he chose to write it down in his diary and ask the teachers at his school for the meaning. The history teacher explained that these symbols represent, in Roman numerals, the year the building was inaugurated.
The facade identified by the tourist corresponds to a building that was inaugurated in
MCDXVII = M + CD + XVII = 1000 + 400 + 17 = 1417
learn more about Roman numbers.
See too:
- History of numbers: origin and evolution of numbers
- Numbers: what they are, history and sets