Encceja 2022: dates, registration, exams, result

The National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (encceja) 2022 is the opportunity for Brazilians who have not completed elementary and high school to obtain the certificate through a test.

Encceja assesses skills, abilities and knowledge acquired in the school or extracurricular process of young people and adults. Therefore, it establishes a national evaluation reference for this public.

Secretaries of Education, as well as federal institutes of education, science and technology, use the exam results as a parameter to certify participants at the completion level of elementary school and medium.

The call for papers for this year's edition is now available. Check out:

Encceja Public Notice 2022

Who can participate in Encceja 2022?

Encceja 2022 is divided between elementary and high school. Each certification level has a minimum age for a candidate to participate.

  • Elementary School: Brazilians aged 15 or over on race day 

  • High school: Brazilians aged 18 or over on race day

Dates of Encceja 2022

Registrations: May 24th to June 4th
test locations: early august
Regular Encceja exams: August 28
Encceja Exterior Evidence: September 18
Exams Encceja Exterior PPL: September 19th and 30th
Evidence Encceja PPL: October 11th and 12th
Result: no forecast

Encceja Exterior and PPL

In addition to the traditional (regular) Encceja, Inep carries out the Exterior Encceja for Brazilians residing in other countries.

There is also Encceja PPL and Encceja PPL Exterior, for Brazilians in prison in Brazil and abroad, respectively.

Enrollment for these exams takes place at different times to the regular edition. Publications have not yet been released.

How to apply for Encceja 2022

Encceja 2022 applications will be received from May 24 to June 04. There is no fee for registration and it can be done exclusively online, through the website enccejanacional.inep.gov.br/encceja/.

It is mandatory to inform CPF and identity document to register for Encceja 2022. Updated personal data must be filled in, including telephone and e-mail, so that Inep can contact you, if necessary.

This year, there will be no need to justify absence for those who signed up and missed Encceja 2020 (the 2021 edition did not take place). It will also not be necessary to pay the reimbursement fee for those absent last year who will take the tests again in 2022.

The measure was taken due to the context of the pandemic of Covid-19, which made it difficult to carry out the last edition. However, the participant who does not attend all the tests of Encceja 2022 must justify the absence, if he wants to re-enroll in 2023.

Encceja 2022 exams

Encceja 2022 will be held on August 28, 2022, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm, in more than 600 cities. The tests will consist of objective questions about the different areas of knowledge (or disciplines) and an essay.

The subjects change according to the level of education (elementary or high school) and the tests are distributed between the two shifts. There are two tests per shift, each with 30 objective questions. In the afternoon the participants also write an essay.


MORNING Natural Sciences and Mathematics  60 QUESTIONS (30 each)
EVENING Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography

60 QUESTIONS (30 each)


MORNING Natural Sciences and Mathematics 60 QUESTIONS (30 each)
EVENING Writing and Languages ​​and Codes; and Human Sciences 60 QUESTIONS (30 each)

Gates open: 8 am
Gates close: 8:45 am
Start of exams: 9 am
End of exams: 1pm

Gates open: 2:30 pm
Gates close: 3:15 pm
Start of the tests: 15:30
End of exams: 20:30

What to study for Encceja 2022

The content included in the Encceja tests is included in the Student's Book, material prepared by the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep). To find out what to study, visit the link below:

Find out what to study for Encceja

The participant can also study through previous Encceja exams and video lessons on YouTube.

Encceja Result 2022

The result date of Encceja 2022 has not yet been released. When he leaves, he can be consulted at the Encceja System website.

How much do I need to take to pass the Encceja 2022?

To be approved in Encceja 2022, you must take 100 points in objective tests and minimum average of 5 points in the essay – the essay score ranges from 0 to 10.

The objective test scores are calculated by the Item Response Theory (IRT), the same method as And either.

A student who does not pass all the tests, but achieves the required score in one or more areas, may apply for a declaration of proficiency. With this document, there is no need to take the course again at Encceja 2023.

Encceja Diploma 2022

The Encceja 2022 certificate (or declaration of proficiency) must be requested from the Education Departments and federal institutes associated with Inep.

It is necessary for the candidate to appear at the venue and inform his/her registration number for the exam along with the presentation of his/her personal documents.

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