Ministry of Education invests in training undergraduate students

A school it is an environment that enables the citizen to face the basic needs of life and to develop skills. In addition to traditional subjects such as Portuguese, Mathematics and History, students learn issues of values, character formation and the practice of respect in the school environment.

With due importance, the National Congress designated that March 15th will be known as 'School Day'. This stage of recognition of the school institution and the influence on the growth of a society has been contemplated by the Ministry of Education (MEC) when seeking to improve public education in country.

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The recognition and improvement initiative starts with the qualification of teachers and has been an established project since 2007. With the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), together with the MEC, the continuing education of education professionals has been encouraged.

MEC investments

Capes scholarship holders who are studying for a degree received a 75% increase in the value of scholarships, going to R$ 700 – before, R$ 400 were offered.

Another 61,000 teachers are able to teach in schools across Brazil on account of the scholarship offered by the Capes, with the assistance provided by the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation (Pibid) and Residency Pedagogical.

Pibid is a program that offers scholarships to those who are starting to teach and offers internships in public institutions for student training. Thus, a link is established between the degrees, the state and municipal schools and the students who are in training.

After the higher education course, trained professionals need to be committed to being employed in the public network.

This measure approximates the theory learned at the university and the reality at schools, expanding the professional's knowledge and strengthening ties with public education. The project was created in 2018 and has more than 100,000 professionals who worked at Pibid.

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