Composite conditional: uses, conjugation, exercises

O compound conditional(future of the past tense composed in Spanish) designates future situations, however concluded, prior to other future situations in the past, which serve as a starting point. In short, it expresses hypothetical situations not realized in the past.

O compound conditional it has the following uses: expressing an action not performed in the past; expressing unreal situations in conditional prayers in the past; make assumptions or hypotheses regarding the past tense pluscuamperfecto; indicate concession with the conjunction adversative but.

As compound time, it is formed by the verb knowconjugate in the simple conditional (future of the past tense) and the participle of the main verb.

Read too:Present tense in spanish

Summary about çunconditional composite

  • It designates a future situation, but completed, prior to another future situation in the past, which serves as a starting point.

  • The actions expressed are hypothetical and unrealizable.

  • Functions: express an action not performed in the past; expressing unreal situations in conditional prayers in the past; make assumptions or hypotheses regarding the

    past tense pluscuamperfecto of indicative; indicate concession with the adversative conjunction but.

  • It is formed by the verb know conjugate in the simple conditional and the participle of the main verb.

Uses ofcompound conditional

All situations expressed by the conditional simple they encompass future actions related to an action in the past. Let's analyze the cases:

  • Express an action not taken in the past:

Habrías due to callarte.

(You should have shut up.)

In the example, the person did not shut up; then, the hypothesis is unrealizable, given that the action has already taken place and cannot be modified.

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  • Expressing unreal situations in conditional clauses in the past:

La teacher was not a la class. Of knowing it, it did not have an early legacy.

(The teacher did not go to class. If I'd known, she wouldn't have arrived early.)

In the previous example, the subject (yo) she arrived for class early, but would not have arrived if she knew that the teacher had not gone.

  • Make assumptions or hypotheses regarding the past tense pluscuamperfecto of indicative:

    In this case, a probability is indicated with respect to a past prior to another past.

When he arrived at the party, Maria was already gone. (Probably she was gone.)

(By the time I got to the party, Maria would already be gone.) (She's probably gone.)

  • Indicate concession with the adversative conjunction but:

She didn't do anything, but she insulted me and I couldn't resist.

(I wouldn't have said anything, but she insulted me and I couldn't take it.)

Read too: Infinitive, gerund and participle in Spanish

Conjugation of conditional composite

O compound conditional is formed by the verb know conjugate in the simple conditional plus the participle of the main verb. Therefore, the only irregular verbs are those in the participle.














we would

you (the)


ellos (as)/ustedes


Irregular verbs in the participle, and most commonly used, are:

decide - dicho

die - dead

solve - resuelto

back - turn

do - hecho

poner - puesto

break - broken

see - seen

scribe - writing

die - dead


Exercises solved on compound conditional

Question 01

Read the sentences that follow and indicate what value the subrayed imperfect future verbs have:

a) Si no fuera por Juan, Carolina no she would know where to find me.

b) Juana was not at home, le had past something.

c) No gustó el trabajo, yo lo she would do it otherwise.

d) No we would have traveled Cancún itself in the hubiéramos ganado el contest.

e) yo had readEl libro, but I didn't have time.


a) Expressing unreal situations in conditional prayers in the past.

b) Express an action not performed in the past.

c) Make assumptions or hypotheses regarding the past tense pluscuamperfecto of indicative.

d) Expressing unreal situations in conditional prayers in the past.

e) Indicate concession with the adversative conjunction but.

question 02

In the sentence “If I have had courage, I will have all the truth”, the verb had dicho indicates:

a) a real situation in the past.

b) a real situation in the future.

c) an unreal situation in the past.

d) a condition.

e) an action carried out in the past.

Resolution: letter C

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher 

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

GORNATTES, Renata Martins. "Compuesto conditional (Future of the composite past)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on December 5, 2021.


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