PISA 2022: Brazil shows below-average education in international study

PISA 2022 is a study developed by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) to assess the quality of education in member and partner countries. Three capabilities are investigated, math, reading and science.

This analysis is carried out every three years, since the year 2000, the public analyzed is young people from 15 years with around 80 different nationalities. In the publication for the year 2022, Brazil was below average in the three areas analyzed. See more.

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Brazil at PISA 2022

Brazil participates in the International Student Assessment Program (Pisa), translation of Program for International Student, since its first edition in the 2000s. The tests applied explore the students' ability to solve complex problems, think critically and communicate effectively. This gives an idea of ​​how education systems are preparing students for real-life challenges.

Brazilian performance never been above average of the countries evaluated in any area, check out the graphs:

OECD, PISA 2022 Database, Tables I.B1.5.4, I.B1.5.5 and I.B1.5.6.

The yellow line represents the average of OECD member countries, the blue dotted line represents Brazil's scores for each edition and the black line traces the trend of the set of Brazilian scores. It can be seen that since2009 Brazil is stagnant, with only small variations in notes.

A scale was established with grades from 0 to 6. On this scale, 0 to 2 is below basic knowledge and grades 5 and 6 are considered high proficiency. Check out how the graph of Brazilian students:

OECD, PISA 2022 Database, Tables I.A2.2 and I.B1.3.1.

It is also assessed in PISA as students feel about school. This was an aspect that brought a lot of concern due to the isolation imposed by pandemic of Covid-19. Check out the situation in Brazil compared to 2018:

OECD, PISA 2022 Database, Table II.B1.1.4.
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