Skimming vs Scanning. Reading in English: Skimming x Scanning

Skimming and scanning are English's expressions which means read superficially and read quickly respectively. These techniques can help the reader to obtain information more quickly from the book, newspaper, magazine, websites, not being necessary to read each word of their context. / skimming and scanningare English expressions that mean to read superficially and to read quickly, respectively.and. These techniques they can help the reader to more quickly obtain information from a book, newspaper, magazine, website, without having to read every word contained in its context.

There are many kinds of reading, its a wide world in front of us. In almost everything that we are going to do we face the need to read. For each kind of reading we have one different way to read. For example, we have newspaper and magazine, which has, most of the time, different goals for reading it. And the Books? We have all kind of reading came from the books, and one technique for each of them. / There are many types of reading, this is a wide world before us. In almost all the things that

We do, we are faced with the need for reading. For each type of reading, we have different ways to do it.there. For example, we have the newspaper and the magazine that have, most of the time, different goals for their reading. And the books? We have all kinds of reading in books, and a technique for each one of them.

The technique that you'll use for your reading will be chosen by your need for the goal that you have. For example, if you are reading for work, for college, for school or for pleasure, what are you waiting for this book? What are your needs? You are reading just for obtain information, to do some exercises, or just for fun? Scanning and skimming are different kinds of reading if you just want to know a specific information, you must use the scanning For A Specific Word, On The Other Hand, If You Are Exploring, Rereading Or Reviewing A Text Or A Document You Must Use The skimming. / The technique you will use to perform the reading should be chosen according to the objective you have. For example, if you are reading something for work, for university, for school or for pleasure, what do you expect from this book? What are your needs? Are you reading just for information, to get some exercise, or just for fun? scanning and skimming are different types of reading. If you want to know about specific information, you need to scan for a specific word; on the other hand, if you are exploring, relengive or review a text or a document, you must use skimming.

A good text's comprehension depends on the reader capability of make interferences, deduction, liking ideas and identifying words in the text that shows some idea, so, the reader has to be a grammar and linguistic knowledge to do the best reading and for full comprehension of the ideas express in the text. Read well is an exercise that you can practice everyday! / Good text comprehension depends on the reader's ability to intervene, deduce, connect ideasknowidentify the words in the text that show some idea, that is, the reader needs to have a knowledge of grammar and linguistics to make the best reading and have one general understanding of the ideas expressed in the text. Reading well is an exercise you can do every day!

Scanning - specific reading

This technique helps the reader obtain information from the text without needing reading all text. It is a quick preview of the text, you just read the information contained in that space. You do the scanning moving your eyes from up to down and vice verse, looking for the main words, or specific phrases or key words, etc. When you are doing the scanning pay attention to the punctuations of the author, such us, marks with numbers, letters, asterisk, etc. Look for underlined word, words in bold, in italic, different sizes of letters or words. This process is useful, like already said, for whom wants to find specific information, such as, a name, a date of birth, a phone number in a list, a word in a dictionary and so on. After doing that you pass for the next stage: The skimming. / This technique helps the reader to get information from a text without having to read it all. It's a quick preview of the text, you just read the information contained in that space. Vyou perform this reading (scanning) moving your eyes up and down and vice versa, looking for the main words, specific sentences, keywords etc. When you are scanning, pay attention to the scores made by the author, such as markings with numbers, letters, asterisks, etc. Look for underlined words, n wordsbold and italics, as well as different sizes of letters or words. This process is very useful, as already mentioned, for those who want to find specific information, such as a, a date of birth, a phone number in a list, a word in a dictionary, and so on. After doing this reading, move on to the next step: Skimming.

Skimming – Quick Read

The skimming allows the reader to quickly identify the main idea of ​​the text. It 's more embracing than scanning, and the reader needs to have more knowledge about the text organization, perception of the vocabulary, ability to infer, decode, understand and interpret the ideas of the text. The skimming is more use when you have a lot of things to read and not much time, so this is a technique that helps a lot, because the reading is made with the speed three to four times higher than the normal reading. / Fast reading (skimming) allows the reader to quickly identify the main idea of ​​the text. It is more comprehensive than scanning, and the reader needs to have more knowledge about the organization of the text, vocabulary perception and skills to infer, decode, understand and interpret the ideas of the text. Skimming is best used when you have lots of things to read and don't have a lot of time for it. With this technique, a reading is taken at three to four times faster than a normal reading.

One of the function of this technique is detach aspects from the text. From this part on, the reading can be a little more complex, you can need for information about some person or some subject. This type of reading requires attention and carefulness to make the right punctuations and don't get lost in the middle of the ideas from the text, just as well, don't find the wrong information. / One of functions of this technique is to highlight aspects of the text. From there onwards, reading can be a little more complex, as you may need information about a person or subject. This type of reading requires attention and care to make the right punctuation and not get lost in the middle of the text's ideas and, thus, find the wrong information.

An important thing to do in this reading in find out the subject of the text (the context), and then the verb and if there is a direct object. When you identify the subject all the things that following become easy to understand. It make you discover the main function of the text and not the hole idea. You don't need to worry about the details of the text, just keep your focus on the mainly and specific thing that you need, the information you are looking for, reading the title and the subtitle, the first and the last paragraph to reach your ultimate goal. /An important thing to do in this reading is to find the subject of the text (of the context) and then find the verb and if there is a direct object. When you identify the subject, all the things that follow become easier to if you understand. This makes you discover the main function of the text and not the general idea. You don't have to worry about the details of the text, just stay focused on the main things you need, the information you are looking for by reading the title and subheads, first and last paragraphs to get to your goal Final.

Remember those techniques help a lot when you are reading in English! Have a great reading! / Remember, these techniques help a lot when you're reading in English! Have a great read!

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Source: Brazil School -

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