Why do universities, in their entrance exams, give so much value to textual production?

It is because of the great importance of writing and the great space it offers the student that college entrance exams place such a high value on writing.

Society, in its various professional fields, requires competence and efficiency to produce written texts. There are cases in which textual production is constantly required by the profession, such as journalists, editors, reviewers, magistrates.

The production of written texts not only facilitates the lives of many professionals but also their daily lives, serving to guide us in our activities, in our reflections. For this, we must learn to obtain information, critically process it and re-elaborate it into texts that can influence reality.

Entrance exams place great value on textual production, with the purpose of evaluating the student's knowledge of the subject at hand, organization of their ideas, their language skills, vocabulary, argumentation, mastery of specific resources of the written modality, not forgetting that in its interior there must be elements that establish a connection between the parts, significant links that give cohesion to the speech.

It is good to be aware of world events, so, whatever the theme, the student will not be surprised and will be successful in their argumentation and reasoning. It is at this point that the student will be able to demonstrate mastery of writing, so that their text is successful.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
Brazil School Team

Essay - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/vestibular-texto.htm

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