10 Things You Need to Know About High Cholesterol in Childhood

There are many doubts when it comes to cholesterol, especially when it is high in children. Therefore, we separate important aspects that everyone should know about this problem, such as its treatment and prevention. Here, too, it is important to clarify misunderstandings about the topic, as is the case with our tip number 1. Follow, below, 10 things you need to know about high cholesterol in childhood:

  1. Cholesterol is not always a villain

Contrary to what many people think, cholesterol is fundamental for the functioning of our body. It is a type of fat found in the structure of cells and help in the formation of hormones, gives D vitamin and even bile acids, essential in the digestion of fats.

Read more:Cholesterol - function, transport and normal values

  1. The relationship between LDL and HDL is linked to cardiovascular problems

THE LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol from the liver and gut to the places where it is needed. THE HDL (high density lipoprotein

), in turn, is a lipoprotein that captures excess cholesterol in tissues and takes it towards the liver, so that it can be excreted. In order to go deeper into these definitions, read our text: LDL and HDL.

When in excess, LDL can be deposited on the vessel wall and trigger the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. High LDL values ​​in blood and low HDL values relate to the development of atherosclerotic disease, a problem linked to heart attacks and strokes.

Know more:Atherosclerosis - how it occurs, risk factors and symptoms

  1. Children can have high cholesterol

Children and teenagers can have high cholesterol levels, so it is always good to be aware to those indexes in them. The deposit of cholesterol in the artery walls can begin in childhood, triggering serious problems in adult life, such as heart attacks.

  1. Children must measure cholesterol

According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, national and international consensus suggest that the first cholesterol measurement should be taken when aged between nine and 11 years old. Underage children who have problems such as obesity and heart disease should also be dosed.

  1. Unhealthy Living Habits Contribute to Higher Cholesterol

Sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet can trigger an increase in cholesterol levels.
Sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet can trigger an increase in cholesterol levels.

Among the factors that most contribute to the increase in cholesterol levels in childhood are the sedentary lifestyle and the inadequate nutrition. It is clear that health problems and even genetic factors can trigger this condition, however, healthy lifestyle habits are essential to avoid it.

Read too: Sugar in food - consequences of excessive consumption

  1. Certain foods should be avoided to prevent cholesterol levels from rising.

Some foods contribute to increased cholesterol levels. Among them we can mention high-fat foods such as French fries, hamburgers, pizzas and ultra-processed foods. Foods rich in sugars and carbohydrates should be avoided, for example: cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Including vegetables, legumes and fruits in the diet is essential.

See more: Infant Feeding - Food Tips to Avoid in the Early Years

  1. Physical Activity Helps Maintain Adequate Cholesterol Levels

As mentioned, sedentary lifestyle is a contributing factor to increased cholesterol levels. Therefore, spending too much time in front of the TV and video games harms the child's health. What is recommended to prevent high levels of cholesterol, and also other diseases, is to encourage the child to have a less sedentary life, practicing outdoor sports and games.

  1. High cholesterol doesn't always generate symptoms

Commonly, rising cholesterol levels do not cause symptoms. That's why periodic evaluations are important.

  1. Is it possible to treat high cholesterol

A healthy diet is essential to ensure adequate cholesterol levels.
A healthy diet is essential to ensure adequate cholesterol levels.

The treatment of high cholesterol is mainly done with lifestyle change, reducing sedentary lifestyle and taking care of food. If any illness is related to the condition, it should also be treated. It is noteworthy that the treatment to avoid high cholesterol should be maintained for life and, in some cases, medications may be recommended.

  1. Periodic exams are essential to discover diseases early.

When we make routine appointments and exams, we discover diseases early and we can avoid complications. Therefore, it is important to take the child to the doctor periodically so that their health is analyzed as a whole. O pediatrician it's the endocrinologist it is doctors who can assess a child's cholesterol levels and thus ensure a healthier life.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/10-coisas-que-voce-precisa-saber-sobre-colesterol-alto-na-infancia.htm

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