when we are with fever it's a sign that something isn't right with our body. Unlike what many people think, fever it's not a disease itself, but a sign that we are sick. This means that a child with a fever needs care and may have a transferable illness. for other people in the school community, and it is therefore not recommended that this child attend the school.
What is fever?
Fever can be defined as a body temperatureabove the range considered normal for humans.
There is a lot of discussion about what would be the temperature considered normal, since we have various factors that cause changes in temperature, such as age, sex, time of day and location of the measurement.
Thus, it is customary to consider not a temperature considered normal, but a normal range.
Many authors consider that an individual has a fever when the measurement in the armpit is greater than 37 °C, when the oral measurement is above 37.5 °C, or when the temperature measurement in the rectum is above 38 °C. |
causes of fever
Fever can have different causes, among the more common, we can quote:
Viral diseases, like the flu, dengue and yellow fever;
Bacterial diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis;
Use of some medications;
Adverse reaction to vaccines;
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Importance of fever
Fever, as we know, is an important sign that something is not right with our bodies. In addition to serving as a warning sign, fever can help during the course of infections. The increase in body temperature can be related, for example, to the increase in the phagocytosis and the speed of chemical reactions.
In addition, the increase in temperature can act by reducing the action of pathogenic agents, such as bacteria and virus. Therefore, we can conclude that fever is a relatively beneficial mechanism to our body.
Why is it not recommended that a child with a fever attend school?
As we saw earlier, a fever is a sign that something is wrong with the body. Some illnesses that cause fever can be contagious. and, therefore, it is essential to protect the health of the school community by making the child rest and not go to school.
In addition, the child with fever needs care so that the body recovers faster. Rest in this case can help improve the child's condition. Let's not forget that fever is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as indisposition, which would make the child unproductive in the school environment.
A child with a fever needs rest and should not go to school.
It is recommended that the child return to their activities after 24 hours of fever and no use of antipyretics. Therefore, even if the child is willing, if he has a fever in less than 24 hours, he should not go to school.
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Fever is treated with the use of antipyretics, such as paracetamol, dipyrone, ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid. It is noteworthy that antipyretics do not cure the disease or the process that is causing the fever, just reduce this symptom which often causes a number of other unpleasant symptoms, such as being sick.
Many doctors ask that these medications be used only when the axillary temperature is above 37.8°C, since fever is related to fighting the infection. In addition to the use of antipyretics, warm baths can help lower your body temperature.
febrile seizures
Febrile seizures are feared by many parents, however, it is a situation considered relatively rare, which occurs in less than 4% of children. According to the Society of Pediatrics of São Paulo, febrile seizures are what happens in the first 24 hours of fever, in children aged between 6 months and 6 years.
Also according to the Society, there are genetic factors that predispose the occurrence of this problem, which, in most cases, does not pose a risk to the child's life or leave sequelae. It is also worth noting that febrile seizures usually only occurs once in a lifetime.
Read too:When should the child not go to school?
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Should a child with a fever go to school?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/crianca-com-febre-deve-ir-escola.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.