THE malnutrition childish it is a serious health problem that occurs when the child's body does not receive the nutrients necessary for its operation. Usually, it happens due to an insufficient intake of food or even due to the ingestion of poorly nutritious food. It also occurs as a result of diseases that prevent the body from using or absorbing nutrients properly.
This condition is serious and can cause a series of harm to the child's development. Therefore, care is needed, especially with what is offered to the child as food.
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How to prevent child malnutrition
Child malnutrition is a health problem closely related to social and economic issues. However, in addition to the lack of food, which exposes many children to nutrient deprivation, we cannot forgetting that sometimes a food is offered, but it does not have the nutritional quality required.
A critical period for the development of malnutrition occurs in children aged 6 months to 2 years of age. At this point in life, malnutrition usually occurs as a result of interruption of exclusive breastfeeding early and of the food insert that are not adequate to meet the child's needs. In addition lack of food and infectious diseases, such as diarrhea, can also lead to malnutrition.
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Therefore, it is clear that we must be attentive to the children's food for them to have a healthier childhood. When we talk about preventing child malnutrition, some points should be considered:
Breastfeeding is essential for a child: In the first 6 months of a child's life, the breastfeeding must be exclusive. Until this age, the child does not need other foods to complement, not even teas or water.
It is important to offer the child quality food: Food offered to children must contain adequate nutrients for their development. Proteins,carbohydrates, lipids,mineral salts and vitamins they must be made available in the proper quantity. Including vegetables, vegetables and fruits in the diet is an important tip to improve your diet, as well as reducing soda, industrialized juices, cakes, biscuits and sweets.
Periodic consultations are important: As we know, some health problems can trigger child malnutrition, which is the case with food intolerances, anorexia, celiac disease, worms and diarrhea. Importantly, approximately two million children die each year as a result of diarrhea. Therefore, having periodic exams and seeing a doctor whenever the child presents symptoms of a disease can prevent the development of malnutrition.
It is necessary to develop public policies to reduce the hunger: Unfortunately, many children develop malnutrition because they do not have access to enough food to meet their needs. Thus, the creation of policies aimed at reducing hunger is essential for people to have access to adequate food.
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Consequences of child malnutrition
THE child malnutrition it is an extremely important issue as it directly affects the child's development. Among the consequences of this problem, we can mention the reduction of immunity, which is responsible for exposing the child to greater clinical complications, such as infectious diseases. Furthermore, malnutrition can cause growth problems, irritability, tiredness, depression and learning difficulties.
We must also not forget that child malnutrition can lead a child to death if there is no adequate service. According to data from Doctors Without Borders, an international organization that provides medical and humanitarian aid, only 3% of the 20 million children with severe acute malnutrition receive the necessary treatment to save their lives. lives. Furthermore, according to this organization, nine children die every minute due to a lack of essential nutrients in their diets.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "How to prevent child malnutrition?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.