São Carlos: USP offers free course for girls to learn how to make apps

Registration for the Technovation Summer School For Girls 2019, free summer course on computing and entrepreneurship offered by the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Carlos. At registration is free, aimed at girls aged 10 to 18, with a deadline of February 14 - or while space is available.

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The course offers 200 free places in the city of São Carlos, with snacks and meals for all girls who are enrolled. Despite being opportunities for the entire community, preference is given to students from public schools. According to USP, you don't need to have any prior knowledge in the area, just motivation and believe in your creative potential.

Technovation Summer School For Girls

The Summer School will have activities on five Saturdays, from 9 am to 6 pm, starting on February 23rd. The objective is to promote the inclusion of women in the fields of technology and exact sciences, a sector still predominantly filled by men. The course intends to teach students to transform their ideas into applications and show them the possibilities of entrepreneurship in the area.

"We want to show teenagers and young people that they have as much ability as boys to work in the field of exact sciences, emphasizing that computing is not something restricted to the male world”, professor Kalinka Castelo White.

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The Summer School emerged from an initiative held at ICMC/USP, in 2018, for 74 girls. Girls ages 10 to 18 formed groups that developed 15 app projects in one Saturday. With the result above expectations, teacher Kalinka Castelo Branco decided to expand the duration of the course and the offer, which resulted in the Technovation Summer School For Girls.

The Summer School is carried out by the Group of Students in Exact Sciences (GRACE), an extension project of the ICMC/USP São Carlos. The initiative is attended by undergraduate and graduate students from the university.

international competition

The Summer School will also prepare students for the Technovation Challenge, an international competition aimed at elementary and high school students. The event requires participants to develop an application that solves a global problem.

The international event will be held in Silicon Valley, in the United States. The winning team will receive $10,000 and support to complete and launch the app.

Technovation Summer School For Girls

Registrations: until February 14th
Value: free
Classes: five Saturdays, starting February 23, from 9 am to 6 pm
Local: Fernão Stella Auditorium - ICMC/USP São Carlos, in São Carlos/SP
Telephone: (16) 3373-9622

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São Carlos: USP offers free course for girls to learn how to make apps

Registration for the Technovation Summer School For Girls 2019, free summer course on computing a...

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