Knowing a magnifying glass. What is a magnifying glass?

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The study of Optics is of great importance for Physics, because through it several concepts and explanations about many phenomena were deduced. It is easy to see the use of multiple optical instruments in our daily lives. In this part of Physics, we call an optical instrument every convenient combination of optical devices, such as mirrors, prisms, and lenses.

Thus, optical instruments have the main function of providing enlarged images of tiny objects, or also providing approximate images of objects that are far away. Depending on the image provided by the optical instrument, it can be considered as an observation instrument or a projection instrument.

The observation instrument is what combines final virtual images, seen directly by the observer, such as, for example, the image provided by the microscope. The projection instrument, on the other hand, combines real final images, seen by the observer, but projected on a screen, for example, the image projected on slide projectors.

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THE magnifying glass, which can also be called a magnifying glass, is the simplest optical instrument we have for making observations. The magnifying glass consists of only one converging lens, whose focal length is on the order of centimeters, which combines a virtual image, straight and larger than the observed object. But this will only be possible if the object is placed between your main object focus (F) and the optical center (O).

Geometric construction of the image in a magnifying glass

Note: When the magnifying glass is fixed on a support, it is called a simple microscope.

By Domitiano Marques
Graduated in Physics

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SILVA, Domitiano Correa Marques da. "Meeting a magnifying glass"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.
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