Characteristics of the African Continent

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Africa, as it is a continent with a tropical climate, except for some regions, receives great insolation, it has high temperature due to its geographical location, as it is close to the equator and the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.

It is one of the continents with the greatest biodiversity in the world, a fact that comes from the amount of energy (heat) that favors the development of matter organic generated by the decomposition of plants, making it suitable for the germination of various species of plants, from then on they inhabit these plants insects and microorganisms that will propagate the very existence of flora, in addition to making up the food chain, as they serve as food for animals larger.

In the social and, more precisely, cultural context, the African continent presents a great diversity, as it counts with approximately six hundred peoples and three hundred different languages, in addition to a multitude of native religions or introduced.

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Africans have a strong connection with Brazilians, as in the colonial period slaves came to Brazil to work in sugar production and later in coffee, thus contributing to the consolidation of culture in Brazil.

The African continent is regionalized and/or divided into Islamic Africa, located to the north, and Sub-Saharan Africa, located to the south, the basic difference is in religion, the first being Islamist and the second Animist, formed by religions natives.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Characteristics of the African Continent"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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