Middle East and water scarcity

The Middle East is a subcontinent of Asia that has an arid climate, so there are not many water resources (groundwater, rivers and lakes) in the region.
The countries that are part of the Middle East are rich in oil, however, they are poor in water. These nations face serious problems related to water scarcity.
Several countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the small nations of the Persian Gulf, make desalination of sea water, yet they are big buyers of mineral water.
In the Middle East region, countries that have springs of water, rivers and aquifers in their territory are privileged for having this very rich and rare resource.
Faced with water scarcity, conflicts arise between countries to define who dominates the very few hydrographic basins and groundwater. An example of dispute over water exists between Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, which, as they are bordering countries, dispute the domain of the Jordan River Basin.
In 1967, Israel invaded Syria, which is home to the Golan Heights, where the source of the Jordan River is located. This river is practically the only source of water for Israel and Jordan.

The Middle East, in recent years, has seen population growth, which has increased water consumption and reduced water consumption. amount of it available in the springs, a fact that has contributed to further aggravate the outbreaks of conflict between the countries.
Another focus of conflict is in the vicinity of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Both are born in Turkish territory and the flow of their waters goes towards the Persian Gulf; supplying Syria and Iraq.
On the face of it, these countries fear Turkish control over river sources; because Turkey can dam its waters for irrigation, construction of hydroelectric plants or for any other purpose. In this way, the supply of Syria and Iraq would be compromised.

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Natural Aspects of the Middle East
The natural setting of a place that hardly rains.

Industrial activity in the Middle East
Industrial activity in a region of intense conflict.

Aspects of the Middle East population
The population of the Middle East lives with frequent conflicts.

Religion in the Middle East
This part of Asia is the cradle of the world's three monotheistic religions.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Asiacontinents - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Middle East and water scarcity"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/oriente-medio-escassez-agua.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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