Scientific Initiation Program welcomes applications until March 18

The Decola Beta Scientific Initiation Program is open until March 18th. The action provides regular or technical high school students from all over Brazil with the development of scientific projects accompanied by trained mentors.

make your registration

Applications are received by the Beta Scientist website and have no cost. To participate, just keep in mind an idea that can be developed through scientific initiation. Registration can be done individually, in pairs or in trios.

Those selected will receive mentoring from the second half of April. The Decola Beta Program lasts eight months, with participants having virtual meetings with their mentors, in addition to having access to study materials and challenges proposed by the project.

Some projects provide students with participation in scientific initiation events and industry awards, such as the young people who attended the Google Science Fair 2016 and received recognition for the use of Moringa Oleifera in water decontamination.

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The program

Decola Beta had its first edition in 2016, serving students from all over the country. Participants present an idea to solve a given problem using scientific methods. Students rely on volunteer mentors, who are undergraduate, masters and doctoral students. Mentoring is done virtually, which allows the participation of young people from anywhere in Brazil.

The program's mentors also apply via the internet, being selected those who have experience or contact with the scientific area, such as those who have already participated in scientific initiation projects.

More information at Beta Scientist website.

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