Faetec opens 1,420 vacancies in professional qualification courses; Check out!

THE Technical School Support Foundation (Faetec) opened enrollment for 1,420 professional qualification vacancies through the Novos Caminhos Program, which was previously called Pronatec. Opportunities are aimed at people who have incomplete elementary education (1st to 5th year), depending on the desired course.

In addition to the course, Faetec will also offer assistance so that students can cover the cost of food and transport.

The level of training must be proven at the time of registration. Registration is open until 2 pm on April 2 at Faetec website. No registration fee is required.

Those interested must enroll in only one of the 33 professional qualification courses offered. Some of the opportunities are for courses in confectioner, masonry masonry, oxyacetylene welder, desktop publishing operator and straight machine and serger sewing.

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Toy Library and Learning Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course

During registration, applicants must also choose the Faetec unit they wish to attend. Several regions of Rio de Janeiro were covered, such as Angra dos Reis, Bom Jardim, Armação de Búzios, Queimados, Duque de Caxias, Belford Roxo, Campos dos Goytacazes, the capital, Rio de Janeiro, among others cities.

The selection will be made through a draw, which will take place on April 3rd. The complete public notice with the entire list of courses and cities is available on Faetec's website.

The professional courses are scheduled to start on May 25th. The closing date varies between July 2020 and March 2021, according to the duration of each course.

See too: Platform offers free English course with certificate

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