Why are bats upside down?

The bat is the only mammal that has the ability to fly. The animal has nocturnal habits; during the day, he spends his time hanging upside down in some cave, bridge, or other dark place. The main reason why bats stay in this position is that they are in an ideal position to take flight.
Bats cannot launch themselves into the air like birds; the animal needs to launch itself from a high place in order to fly. That's why they use their claws to climb on the roofs of caves, for example, because if they need to go flying, they're already in the ideal position.
Hanging upside down is also a good way to hide from predatory birds, and there is little competition for these hiding places. These animals have physiological adaptations that allow them to hang effortlessly. Another important aspect is that your arteries and veins make the blood flow upward, even when they're upside down.

Curiosities - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/por-que-os-morcegos-ficam-cabeca-para-baixo.htm

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