Only chronic pain sufferers understand these 8 things

Only those who live with pain chronic can understand the impact caused by pain in his life, from simple activities like sleeping and maintaining personal hygiene to relationships and work.

Here's a list of 8 things only people with chronic pain will understand. If you live with someone with chronic pain, being empathetic is key. And if you live with chronic pain, read on and see if you can relate to the following items.

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8 things only those with chronic pain will understand:

1. You don't know how you're going to feel in the morning

Every day is something new for those who live with chronic pain. The beginning of the day can be a paradise, but the end can be accompanied by enormous pain.

2. Difficulty for people to understand what chronic means

Even with good intentions from the people around us, it is not always easy for people to understand that, many times, this pain will not go away.

3. Some days will be easier than others.

Living with chronic pain for years will make you realize that every day is different and pain can reach different degrees.

4. Ever heard “Have you ever tried to do ___?”

Through the need to help, some people always ask if you've tried to do anything to improve the pain. In these moments, we just want empathy, not someone to solve our problems.

5. Difficulty for doctors to understand your problem

Health professionals are great. However, some doctors may not properly understand your problem, and prescribing strong medications that could result in addiction may not be ideal.

6. Controlling pain with methods other than pills

Controlling chronic pain doesn't always mean you're going to be stuffing yourself with pills. physiotherapy, physical exercise and self-care practices like meditation are great allies to reduce pain.

7. pain changes everything

It's not easy to remember life before pain and how this phenomenon can transform everything around us, from the way we use our time and energy to our work and relationships.

8. Support is key

Being with people who understand your problem or live with it helps to overcome the stigma by around the theme and contributes to the development of a new relationship with your body and the way of dealing with the pain.

Laugh when asked if you're in pain, feel relief when the drugs start to work, feel anxiety while waiting for them and still knowing that they will not be enough to relieve your pain are also other things that only chronic pain sufferers know.

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