Why does Coca-Cola in glass bottles taste better?

In a world where new products are constantly launched on the market, not all are here to stay. However, with Coca-Cola, the scenario is different. The product came and stayed. Even models stored in glass bottles still exist today. And after all, why is Coca-Cola in glass bottles tastier?

Drinks change flavor depending on storage material

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Coca-Cola drink is very popular all over the world, and millions of people consume it daily. Seen in different types of packaging, the vast majority of consumers say that Coca-Cola stored in glass bottles has a more pleasant taste.

But after all, why is Coca-Cola in a glass bottle better?

The possible packages in which we can find the product are plastic, tin and glass. Although the preparation process and the recipe are the same for the manufacture of the drink, the factors of exposure to light and expiration date can change the taste of the soda.

A little more about the glass material

According to Science by Design specialist Sara Risch, the glass material manages to preserve the original taste of food. So when millions of people say that Coca-Cola tastes better in this type of packaging, they are correct.

With regard to aluminum cans, the flavor can be altered by the fact that the material absorbs some of the flavor of the liquid. Already in plastic packaging, there is the possibility of transferring chemical substances that end up interfering with the taste of Coca-Cola.

More details about the glass

Glass is made of an inert and natural material, so it does not transfer any kind of chemical substance to the drink and, consequently, the taste will not change.

In addition, there is another very important point: glass is a recyclable and reusable material, which makes its circulation easier and encourages more conscious and ecologically correct consumption.

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