Distance Education: a reality in our training

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The advance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's) caused significant changes in distance learning, soon taking place, it is present in all sectors, in In particular, its presence in the educational system makes us reflect on aspects inherent to education, such as: didactics, methodology, evaluation, planning, among other points relevant.
The important questions raised in the investigation, which is still superficial, on this topic can be considered as a path to an innovative education based on a dress characterized by interactivity and non-linearity, in which it presents itself not as an outlet for quality education, but as a complement to what we have, in person, for a inclusive education.
In general, taking into account the changes that have been taking place in our society, we can understand distance learning as a teaching modality that has its peculiarities, in which its pedagogical proposal should be re-discussed with regard to the distance modality, in which its reference for providing education is not, partially annulled.

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We must consider distance learning activities as a means of a teaching-learning process, in which they should not be seen as complementary, but with different realities of providing education.
It is noteworthy that this discussion does not end, so we have a long way to go, the process is arduous, but not impossible. Let's walk with the purpose of reframing this practice. In this context, we must propose a reflective discussion on how to do distance learning.

Per Rodiney Marcelo
Columnist Brazil School

education - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/educacao-distancia-uma-realidade-nossa-formacao.htm


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